Pathways Alternative Education
Program Mission Statement
Program Overview:
Pathways Alternative Education is an Old Orchard Beach High School dropout prevention program. Originally established in September 2000, this program provides individualized learning opportunities for students who are in danger of not graduating on time. Students learn Math, Science, English, and Social Studies in a project-based environment that promotes individual and team building skills. Our low student-teacher ratio, hands on projects, emphasis on how students learn as well as what they learn, provides students with multiple opportunities to achieve success and become prepared for the working world.
Mission Statement:
The mission of the Pathway AE Program is to provide a nontraditional learning environment that incorporates the following core principles:
- Individualized learning plans
- A safe, comfortable, and productive learning environment
- Executive functioning skills and strategy development
- Restorative practices that teach students “Problem-Solving” skills
- Relevant job training and career exploration
- Comprehensive student support systems and partnerships
Core Beliefs:
- All students can learn when they are taught how to learn.
- Positive, tolerant, kind learning environments matter.
- Failure is not an option, so teachers employ multiple strategies and interventions.
- Students have different learning styles and abilities.
- Students can Improve how well they learn by learning how to learn effectively.
- Improved Executive Functioning improves learning capacity
- Understanding growth mindset principles promotes and teaches resilience.
- Problem solving and restorative practices are more effective than punitive approaches.