Principal’s Memo
Posted onHi Everyone,
We are headed into graduation weekend full steam ahead. Please pay close attention to the “Upcoming Important Dates” section at the bottom of the memo so you can mark your calendars. Here are the communications for this week!
Class of 2018 Graduation!
I would like to invite everyone to our graduation ceremony this Sunday, June 3rd at 2:00pm at the Seaside Pavilion. Parking at the site is extremely limited so please park at the high school, where shuttle bus transportation will be provided to and from the event starting at 1:00.
BRCOT Awards!
Congratulations to the following OOBHS students who received certificates and scholarships at the Biddeford Regional Center of Technology on Wednesday, May 23rd.
Jonathan Boyd , Electrical Technology, Adam Brown, Automotive Technology, Samantha Byram, Intro. to Medical Sciences, Kaitlyn R. Cote, Bus. Academy: Medical Assisting (EARNED (SACO BAY ROTARY SCHOLARSHIP), CJ Evans, Building Trades (EARNED DEERING LUMBER SCHOLARSHIP), Joseph Gamage, Building Trades, Maegan Halle, Bus. Academy: Medical Assisting, Meghan Pelletier, Bus. Academy: Legal Studies, Bryce Salamacha, Auto Body Technology, Taylor Shaffer, Early Childhood Education, Sarah Thayer, Bus. Academy: Legal Studies (EARNED STUDENT LEADERSHIP COUNCIL SCHOLARSHIP).
Join Us For A Fun Night to Remember
We need your help with making this years event a huge success! So please come out on June 7th and support. We promise you will not be disappointed!
School Budget Vote
Please come out and vote for the school budget on Tuesday, June 12th. Thank you!
OOBHS Boosters Need New Officers
The OOBHS Boosters are going to need people to help organize and run the club. The current officers are stepping down due to their children’s graduation this year. The current group has done a great job the last 4 years, and have given over $17,000.00 to OOBHS for various student/staff/school things, We would hate for this to come to an end. Please consider becoming an officer to lead our boosters!
New Websites
Our new RSU 23 Websites are up and running. Check out the pictures, videos, and all of the great information about our schools! Go to From there you can navigate to any of our school websites!
Summer Jobs
If your child is looking for summer employment please contact our community employment liaison Jim Pirrello at
Community Service!
Students must complete 20 hours of community service as a graduation requirement. Please contact the guidance office for community service opportunities. We have plenty for the kids to do!
Important Upcoming Dates
Fri 6/1 12-2 – Senior Marching Practice
Sun, June 3– Graduation (2PM)
Fri, June 15– Last Day of School (Early Release)
That’s all for this week. Have a great weekend!