RSU23 Content
Natalie Flynn

Natalie Flynn

What I do

I serve on a local nonprofit childcare center as the Board President and am a strong advocate for early childhood education and staff. When not teaching or volunteering, I enjoy playing golf, hiking, camping, and spending time on Mount Desert Island. I live with my husband, Ethan, and daughter, Lucille, along with two cats named Sassy and Pandora.

In 2022, I joined Old Orchard Beach High School’s special education team as a special education teacher. I enjoy working with students on their postsecondary goals, transition plans, and activities geared toward postsecondary education and/or employment. I attended Saint Joseph’s College of Maine in Standish for 4 years and earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Physical Education with a concentration in Sports Management and returned to Saint Joseph’s College to complete my Master’s Degree in Education.

While attending high school and college she worked as a ski instructor and in the events & competition departments at New Hermon Mountain, Pleasant Mountain, and Sunday River. In 2008, Natalie worked at Westbrook High School as an educational technician and then became a special education teacher. She moved on to Windham High School in 2015 where she was employed as a special education teacher where she co-taught many regular education classes. In 2018, she became the Site Coordinator for Special Education for Windham High School, a building-based special education administrator, and oversaw around 170 students who received special education services.