Principal’s Memo
Posted onHi Everyone,
Last week Spirit Week was a rousing success and everyone had a wonderful time at the homecoming dance. Check out the video from the pep rally! On Wednesday our freshmen went on job shadows, sophomores and juniors took the PSAT exam, and seniors had their internship workshop. Progress reports grades close today. The reports will be available to view on Powerschool Tuesday. If you have any questions please contact Karen Murphy at Reminder the first quarter ends November 2nd. Here are this week’s communications:
Mr Sharp!
Congratulations to social studies teacher Mr. Deron Sharp. He was hired this week as the assistant principal at Mt. Ararat High School in Topsham. We are already advertising for his position. We are unsure of when his last day here will be. Our plan is to use substitute teachers until we hire an interim teacher for the rest of the year. In the spring we will advertise the position as permanent and begin the hiring process for next year at that time. If you have any questions please contact me.
Senior Parents
Attention Parents of Seniors…it is time to start submitting Senior pictures and Senior baby pictures for the Yearbook! Please send digital copies directly to Stephanie Moutsatsos at If you are interested in purchasing a Senior dedication page information is coming soon!!!
Parent Teacher Conferences
Reminder, Parent/Teacher Conferences will be held on Wednesday, October 17, (1-8 pm) & Tuesday, October 23 (5-8pm). Parents will be able to login to Virtual Paragon as of Monday, October 1st. Please click on the following link to sign up: OOB HS – Parent/Teacher Conference Reservation … – Virtual Paragon
The Link is also on our website under the “Parents and Students.” Click on Parent/Teacher Conferences. The password for the sight is seagull04064.
Powerschool Parent Portal
You can access your child’s grades through our student information system Powerschool Parent Portal. If you need your access information please email Karen Murphy at
New Phone Number for the High School Guidance Office
Our high school guidance phone number has changed to 207-937-4999.
From The OOBHS Boosters
We have a home game October 19th, that we will need help in the concession stand. Please go to the website or email to sign up and help. Students can get community service hours toward graduation by helping with concessions.
Contact Information
If you have not done so already, please update your contact information and personal information in Powerschool on the form that was sent home and have your child return the form or contact us. We want to make sure we have the correct information in our database. Thank you!
Important Upcoming Dates
Wednesday, October 17 Early Release, Parent/Teacher Conferences
Tuesday, October 23 Evening Parent/Teacher Conferences
Tuesday, November 6 Election Day, No School For OOBHS Students
Wednesday, November 7 Early Release Day
Have a great weekend!