RSU23 Content

Graduation Requirements

Class levels are assigned on the basis of accumulated credits. Students are required to carry a credit load of at least six credits per academic year and may attempt no more than eight credits per year toward graduation.
The following distribution of courses is required for:

CourseYear of Graduation
2016           201720182019
English4 credits4 credits4 credits4 credits
Mathematics3 credits3 credits3 credits3 credits
Science3 credits3 credits3 credits3 credits
Social Studies2 credits2 credits2 credits2 credits
U.S. History1 credit 1 credit 1 credit 1 credit
Physical Education 1 credit 1 credit 1 credit 1 credit
Fine Arts1 credit 1 credit 1 credit 1 credit
Health.5 credit.5 credit.5 credit.5 credit
Electives8 credits8 credits6 credits5 credits
Community Service20 hours20 hours20 hours20 hours
Senior Internship30 hours30 hours30 hours30 hours


Class Assignment

Sophomore Class Standing – Earned 5 credits, including one credit in English.

Junior Class Standing – Earned 11 credits, including 2 credits in English.

Senior Class Standing – Earned 17 credits, including 3 credits in English.

Awarding of Diploma

Students must complete 24 credits (22 credits for the class of 2018 and 2019.), including all required courses, and community service.  In addition, all class dues, bills, and other obligations must be fulfilled in order to participate in any graduation activities.