12-2-20 COVID School Closure
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Hi Everyone,
Grades close for progress reports Friday October 9th. If you have any questions about your child’s grades please contact their teachers. Staff contact information is available on our website under the “Faculty and Staff” tab. You can also get staff emails by clicking on the link at the top of the “grades/attendance” screen on the Powerschool Parent Portal. Here are this week’s announcements:
You can access your child’s grades, attendance, teacher comments, SwiftReachK12; view recent alerts that were sent out and change your Alert Preferences, missing assignments, student’s schedule, and account preferences. If you don’t already have an account or are having issues signing in to your account for a high school student, please contact Karen Murphy at ksmurphy@rsu23.org.
Attention Senior Families!!!! Senior portraits and baby pictures need to be submitted to Yearbook Staff by December 1st. Please email them, and any Yearbook questions, to smoutsatsos@rsu23.org. Yearbook flyer
During the school year some families take vacations and ask that we excuse their children from school days. This is not a problem, however, we do have forms for the student, parents, teachers and administration to sign off on in order to help students understand the expectations of making up missed work. The forms can be found in the main office. Thanks for your help!
Thank you to the Seniors who were able to join us for the virtual Senior Post-Secondary Planning Meeting that took place Wednesday, Sept. 23rd. If you were unable to join, please watch the recording by clicking HERE and review the presentation HERE in order to learn important information regarding college applications and financial aid.
Next Steps for Seniors Applying to College:
- Watch the Senior Post-Secondary Planning Meeting Recording. (if missed the meeting)
- Complete the Google Brag Form
- Review and Begin Completing Tasks on the College Application Timeline & To do List
- Make a 1-1 Appointment with Your School Counselor for Assistance
*For seniors interested in Non-College Related Post-Secondary Paths (i.e. Military, Workforce, Trade School, Gap Year), please still fill out the Google Brag Form and reach out for 1-1 appointments with your school counselors as well. Your school counselors will work 1-1 with each of you in order to personalize support and action steps in preparation for any and all post-secondary paths.
The Senior Internship and Career Preparation Workshop that normally takes place in October will take place in January this year in order to accommodate safety and CDC guidelines. Although seniors will still be expected to complete a career explorations and internship-type experience, it may or may not look a little different than it has in past years depending on what unfolds with regard to health considerations and the pandemic. More information to come. As a reminder, seniors currently participating in a vocational program through Biddeford-COT or Portland-ATHS are not required to complete an OOBHS internship experience since a similar experience is already included in their vocational programming. If you have pressing concerns or questions, please reach out to Jackie Hayes (jhayes@rsu23.org) or Stephanie Moutsatsos (smoutsatsos@rsu23.org).
To our 10th and 11th Grade Parents and Students: Typically in October our sophomores and juniors take the PSATs. The College Board has offered the opportunity to take these tests in January this year. In order to allow for students and faculty to adjust to our new school routine we are going to hold off and provide this testing opportunity to students in January.
To our Seniors: We do not offer a school based SAT opportunity this fall. You can register to take the SATs at other high schools in the area. Seniors should connect with colleges and universities they are considering applying to and confirm if SATs are required for admissions this year. Many institutions are waiving this requirement in light of the pandemic. Please see Mrs. Hayes or Ms. Nason if you have questions or concerns about this.
As a reminder, breakfast and lunch are available daily at school. Until December 31st breakfast and lunch will be FREE TO ALL STUDENTS. Please still fill out a Free and Reduced Lunch application to determine if your child qualifies for free or reduced price meals. Applications are available at the high school and on our website at: https://rsu23.org on the Food & Nutrition Services page. Menus are also posted to the website. Please feel free to contact Caroline Trinder, Food & Nutrition Services Director with any questions at ctrinder@rsu23.org or 934-4461 ext. 1239. We are looking forward to serving healthy and tasty meals all year!
Students who would like to drive their car to school must register their car in the main office and acquire a parking permit. Cars without a parking permit or cars parked in the improper lot may be removed at the owner’s expense. There is no student parking in the front lot. Early Release and Late Arrival privileges will be discussed with students throughout the next week.
- Monday, October 12 – Indigenous Peoples’ Day No School
- Tuesday, November 3 – Election Day – White Day Remote Learning Day
- Wednesday, November 4 – Virtual Parent/Teacher Conferences PreK-12 (evening)
- Tuesday, November 10 – Virtual Parent/Teacher Conferences PreK-12 (evening)
- Wednesday November 25 – Thanksgiving Break