We are at the wrong end of some very messy weather, and next week is our last school week before February break with many things happening for our students. Our winter sports teams are all marching toward the playoffs. The girl’s hockey team heads to Cape Elizabeth/Wayneflete/South Portland, for a playoff game at 6:10 PM on Saturday, The girl’s basketball team hosts a playoff game Tuesday night, time to be determined, and our boy’s basketball team will host a game Wednesday night, time to be determined. Our boy’s hockey team has three regular season games remaining. Please contact us you have any questions! Here are this week’s communications:
Important SAT Prep Information for Juniors!
Did you know that the SATs are Tuesday, April 14? Well, there’s a free SAT prep class starting on Wednesday, 1/22. All sessions are an hour and will begin promptly at 2:50. Any interested students need to see Mr. Lucchese or Ms. Kantro to sign-up.
Math with Mr. Lucchese in room 210
February 3, 6, 12, 26
March 5, 11, 18, 25
April 2, 8
English with Ms. Kantro in room 108
February 24
March 2, 9, 16, 23, 30
April 6, 13
Quarter 2 Honor Roll 19/20
Please click on the link to access to the OOBHS Qtr 2 Honor Roll: Q2 Honor Roll 19/20
Senior Internships – Internship Site Agreement Forms are due to your faculty advisors Monday, March 2nd. Extra forms can be found in the Student Resources Board located outside the front office. For help finalizing your internship sites, please access your faculty advisor or Ms. Hayes and Ms. Moutsatsos.
Student Supply Closet
Thank you so much for the donations last week! Landry’s also donated an entire pallet of food to divide between all three schools. It was greatly appreciated! The closet is full for now! If a student/family is in need of any items they can contact Mrs. Dupee, Mrs. Reed or the guidance department.
OOBHS Jazz in Portland!
The OOBHS Jazz Ensemble will be featured as guest performers with the Portland Jazz Orchestra on February 27, 2020, at One Longfellow Square in Portland. The show begins at 8 PM; advance tickets are $5 on the One Longfellow website; at the door, they are $10 for adults, $5 for students. This is a great chance for our students to perform with a pro band in a live night club setting. The Portland Jazz Orchestra has played once a month at One Longfellow for the last 14 years. If you are into jazz I highly recommend this as a fun night out and a chance to see our students strut their stuff. Email Mr. Manduca mmanduca@rsu23.org if you want more information!
From The OOBHS Boosters
The girl’s basketball team hosts a playoff game Tuesday night. We will need volunteers for the concession stand. Please go to the website or email oobhsboosters@gmail.com to sign up and help work the games! Students can get community service hours toward graduation by helping with concessions.
Raffle Flyer!
Click below to see the flyer for a chance to win some awesome prizes. All proceeds will go to support the Old Orchard Beach Activities Funds.
Community Service!
Students must complete 20 hours of community service as a graduation requirement. Parents of seniors please check with your child to find out if they still have hours to complete. Please contact the guidance office for community service opportunities. We have plenty for the kids to do!
Powerschool Parent Portal
You can also access your child’s grades through our student information system Powerschool Parent Portal. If you need your access information please email Karen Murphy at ksmurphy@rsu23.org.
Order your 2020 Yearbook now!! Order online, or see Ms. Moutsatsos in the Cafeteria to pay with cash or a check. Yearbooks are $55.00. If you order online you can pay in 3 monthly installments ($16.67 each)! Visit the Josten’s website for more information.
Important and Upcoming Dates:
Monday, February 17 to Friday, February 21 – February Break
Wednesday, March 4 – Early Release Day
Friday, March 20 – No School for Students, Professional Development Day
We are entering a busy couple of weeks before February break with many things happening for our students. Please contact us you have any questions! Here are this week’s communications:
Next Wednesday, February 5th is an early release day!
Ryan Crockett!
Congratulations to Ryan Crockett, who has been named Saco Bay Rotary Club OOBHS Student of the Month for February 2020!
Important SAT Prep Information for Juniors!
Did you know that the SATs are Tuesday, April 14? Well, there’s a free SAT prep class starting on Wednesday, 1/22. All sessions are an hour and will begin promptly at 2:50. Any interested students need to see Mr. Lucchese or Ms. Kantro to sign-up.
Math with Mr. Lucchese in room 210
January 22, 27, 29
February 3, 6, 12, 26
March 5, 11, 18, 25
April 2, 8
English with Ms. Kantro in room 108
February 24
March 2, 9, 16, 23, 30
April 6, 13
Student Supply Closet In Need of Donations
Thank you so much to all who donated last week! It was greatly appreciated!
Student Closet needs this week are:
sandwich crackers
granola bars
cereal bars
tuna fish
Donations can be brought in by students to Mrs. Dupee in Room 106. If a student/family is in need of any items they can contact Mrs. Dupee, Mrs. Reed or the guidance department.
OOBHS Jazz in Portland!
The OOBHS Jazz Ensemble will be featured as guest performers with the Portland Jazz Orchestra on February 27, 2020, at One Longfellow Square in Portland. The show begins at 8 PM; advance tickets are $5 on the One Longfellow website; at the door, they are $10 for adults, $5 for students. This is a great chance for our students to perform with a pro band in a live night club setting. The Portland Jazz Orchestra has played once a month at One Longfellow for the last 14 years. If you are into jazz I highly recommend this as a fun night out and a chance to see our students strut their stuff. Email Mr. Manduca mmanduca@rsu23.org if you want more information!
From The OOBHS Boosters
The home schedules are on the OOBHS website. We will need volunteers for the concession stand. Please go to the website or email oobhsboosters@gmail.com to sign up and help work the games! Students can get community service hours toward graduation by helping with concessions.
Raffle Flyer!
See the flyer below for a chance to win some awesome prizes. All proceeds will go to support the Old Orchard Beach Activities Funds.
Community Service!
Students must complete 20 hours of community service as a graduation requirement. Parents of seniors please check with your child to find out if they still have hours to complete. Please contact the guidance office for community service opportunities. We have plenty for the kids to do!
Powerschool Parent Portal
You can also access your child’s grades through our student information system Powerschool Parent Portal. If you need your access information please email Karen Murphy at ksmurphy@rsu23.org.
Order your 2020 Yearbook now!! Order online, or see Ms. Moutsatsos in the Cafeteria to pay with cash or a check. Yearbooks are $55.00. If you order online you can pay in 3 monthly installments ($16.67 each)! Visit the Josten’s website for more information.
Important and Upcoming Dates:
Wednesday, February 5 – Early Release Day
Monday, February 17 to Friday, February 21 – February Break
I hope you all had a good week. First semester grades are in and report cards will be emailed home by 5 PM today. If you have any questions about your child’s grades please contact their classroom teachers. Here are this week’s communications:
Important SAT Prep Information for Juniors!
Did you know that the SATs are Tuesday, April 14? Well, there’s a free SAT prep class starting on Wednesday, 1/22. All sessions are an hour and will begin promptly at 2:50. Any interested students need to see Mr. Lucchese or Ms. Kantro to sign-up.
Math with Mr. Lucchese in room 210
January 22, 27, 29
February 3, 6, 12, 26
March 5, 11, 18, 25
April 2, 8
English with Ms. Kantro in room 108
February 24
March 2, 9, 16, 23, 30
April 6, 13
Second Semester Schedules
The second semester has begun. If students need to make any changes to their schedule they can see their guidance counselor.
Community Service!
Students must complete 20 hours of community service as a graduation requirement. Parents of seniors please check with your child to find out if they still have hours to complete. Please contact the guidance office for community service opportunities. We have plenty for the kids to do!
Student Supply Closet In Need of Donations
The Student Closet is low on some specific items. If you are able to help “re-stock” it would be greatly appreciated! We need: Pasta, pasta sauce, canned tuna, peanut butter, canned soups, cereal, granola bars, sandwich crackers, Hannaford/Wal-Mart Gift cards, hats/mittens/gloves Donations can be brought in by students to Mrs. Dupee in Room 106. If a student/family is in need of any items they can contact Mrs. Dupee, Mrs. Reed or the guidance department.
From The OOBHS Boosters
The basketball season is upon us. The home schedules are on the OOBHS website. We will need volunteers for the concession stand. Please go to the website or email oobhsboosters@gmail.com to sign up and help work the games! Students can get community service hours toward graduation by helping with concessions.
Order your 2020 Yearbook now!! Order online, or see Ms. Moutsatsos in the Cafeteria to pay with cash or a check. Yearbooks are $55.00. If you order online you can pay in 3 monthly installments ($16.67 each)! Visit the Josten’s website for more information.
Important and Upcoming Dates:
Wednesday, February 5 – Early Release Day
Monday, February 17 to Friday, February 21 – February Break
I hope everyone had a good week. We are already heading into the second semester. It won’t be long until we are talking about prom and graduation. Tuesday is the beginning of second-semester classes, if you have any questions about your child’s schedule, please contact the guidance department. You may view your child’s schedule and any changes by logging on to PowerSchool. Here are this week’s communications:
“No School Monday In Observance of the Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday.
Powerschool Parent Portal
You can also access your child’s grades through our student information system Powerschool Parent Portal. If you need your access information please email Karen Murphy at ksmurphy@rsu23.org.
Student Supply Closet In Need of Donations
The Student Closet is low on some specific items. If you are able to help “re-stock” it would be greatly appreciated! We need: Pasta, pasta sauce, canned tuna, peanut butter, canned soups, cereal, granola bars, sandwich crackers, Hannaford/Wal-Mart Gift cards, hats/mittens/gloves Donations can be brought in by students to Mrs. Dupee in Room 106. If a student/family is in need of any items they can contact Mrs. Dupee, Mrs. Reed or the guidance department.
From The OOBHS Boosters
The basketball season is upon us. The home schedules are on the OOBHS website. We will need volunteers for the concession stand. Please go to the website or email oobhsboosters@gmail.com to sign up and help work the games! Students can get community service hours toward graduation by helping with concessions.
Order your 2020 Yearbook now!! Order online, or see Ms. Moutsatsos in the Cafeteria to pay with cash or a check. Yearbooks are $55.00. If you order online you can pay in 3 monthly installments ($16.67 each)! Visit the Josten’s website for more information.
Important and Upcoming Dates:
Monday, January 20 – MLK Day – No School
Wednesday, February 5 – Early Release Day
Monday, February 17 to Friday, February 21 – February Break
A reminder that next week will be midterm exam week (schedule below) and our 2nd quarter ends next Friday, January 17th. Report cards will be emailed on the 24th. Please contact your child’s teachers to check on their progress and don’t hesitate to contact the staff with any questions. All contact information is available on our website.
Here are this week’s announcements:
Student Supply Closet
The Student Closet is low on some specific items. If you are able to help “re-stock” it would be greatly appreciated! We need: Pasta, pasta sauce, canned tuna, peanut butter, canned soups, cereal, granola bars, sandwich crackers, Hannaford/Wal-Mart Gift cards, hats/mittens/gloves Donations can be brought in by students to Mrs. Dupee in Room 106. If a student/family is in need of any items they can contact Mrs. Dupee, Mrs. Reed or the guidance department.
Mid Term Testing Preparation and Schedule!
Power-Up Snack and Study – End of Q2 – Students who want some delicious after school snacks, a great place to study for mid-term exams and to catch up on quarter 2 work will want to attend the End of Quarter 2 Power-Up Snack & Study.After-School Help Sessions, in the OOBHS Brownrigg Library today and 13th From 2:45 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. Snacks and drinks will be provided. All Students Welcome.
Food – Breakfast is served daily and lunch will be served bag lunch style.
Study Areas – If students don’t have a mid-term they are expected to be in the cafeteria or the library
The library will be reserved for students who want an area to destress (quiet activities – coloring, puzzles, maker activities ) or a quiet study area.
The cafeteria will be open to students who want to study with classmates and/or eat food.
Study Support (Room 104) – Study Support room will be staffed and the room will be available for interested students; teachers have the right to require attendance if a student has specific make-up work they need to complete (communicate directly w/ SS teacher)
To reduce traffic in the academic wings, students are expected to remain in their exams for the entire 90-minute testing block. Students arriving late to tests will be sent to the main office for a pass.
Afternoon Make-Up Exams
Make-Up exams are to be scheduled between teacher and students during the afternoon make-up time (12:30-2:45)
Busses will run daily at 12:15 and 2:45
From The OOBHS Boosters
The basketball season is upon us. The home schedules are on the OOBHS website. We will need volunteers for the concession stand. Please go to the website or email oobhsboosters@gmail.com to sign up and help work the games! Students can get community service hours toward graduation by helping with concessions.
Order your 2020 Yearbook now!! Order online, or see Ms. Moutsatsos in the Cafeteria to pay with cash or a check. Yearbooks are $55.00. If you order online you can pay in 3 monthly installments ($16.67 each)! Visit the Josten’s website for more information.
Important and Upcoming Dates:
Tuesday, January 14 to Friday, January 17 – Midterm Exams
Monday, January 20 – MLK Day – No School
Wednesday, February 5 – Early Release Day
Monday, February 17 to Friday, February 21 – February Break
We are off and running during the first days of 2020. A reminder that the week of January 14th will be midterm exam week (schedule below) and our 2nd quarter ends on Friday, January 17th. Report cards will be emailed on the 24th. Please contact your child’s teachers to check on their progress and don’t hesitate to contact the staff with any questions. All contact information is available on our website.
Here are this week’s announcements:
Next Wednesday, January 8th, is an early release day.
Julia Clark!
Congratulations to Julia Clark who was named Saco Bay Rotary Club OOBHS student of the month for January 2020!
Mid Term Testing Preparation and Schedule!
Students who want some delicious after school snacks, a great place to study for mid-term exams and to catch up on quarter 2 work will want to attend the End of Quarter 2 Power-Up Snack & Study. After-School Help Sessions, in the OOBHS Brownrigg Library on Jan 6th, 7th, 9th, 10th, & 13th From 2:45 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. Snacks and drinks will be provided. All Students Welcome.
Food – Breakfast is served daily and lunch will be served bag lunch style.
Study Areas – If students don’t have a mid-term they are expected to be in the cafeteria or the library
The library will be reserved for students who want an area to destress (quiet activities – coloring, puzzles, maker activities ) or a quiet study area.
The cafeteria will be open to students who want to study with classmates and/or eat food.
Study Support (Room 104) – Study Support room will be staffed and the room will be available for interested students; teachers have the right to require attendance if a student has specific make-up work they need to complete (communicate directly w/ SS teacher)
To reduce traffic in the academic wings, students are expected to remain in their exams for the entire 90-minute testing block. Students arriving late to tests will be sent to the main office for a pass.
Afternoon Make-Up Exams
Make-Up exams are to be scheduled between teacher and students during the afternoon make-up time (12:30-2:45)
Busses will run daily at 12:15 and 2:45
Student Supply Closet
We are pleased to announce that we now have a student supply closet at the High School! St. Margaret’s Church, IRepair, Landry’s as well as some community members have made generous donations to get us started. The closet contains pantry items, toiletries, feminine hygiene products, gently used clothes, new socks, phone cases, snacks, zoom bus passes and some gift cards. A big thank you to the students in the Life Skills room for cleaning out/setting up the closet as well as David Anderson, who is making a wooden sign in Industrial Design to hang on the outside door. When the closet gets low on items, students from Functional Life Skills will make lists, shop and restock the closet using donated gift cards. We are in need of hats, mittens, gloves, gently used jackets and boots. If you are able to donate any of these items please send them with your student to drop off with Mrs. Dupee in room 106. Gift cards in any amount to Hannaford, Landry’s or Walmart would also be greatly appreciated. Any student is able to access the closet. If you have any further questions please contact Mrs. Dupee (edupee@rsu23.org). Thank you so much!
From The OOBHS Boosters
The basketball season is upon us. The home schedules are on the OOBHS website. We will need volunteers for the concession stand. Please go to the website or email oobhsboosters@gmail.com to sign up and help work the games! Students can get community service hours toward graduation by helping with concessions.
Order your 2020 Yearbook now!! Order online, or see Ms. Moutsatsos in the Cafeteria to pay with cash or a check. Yearbooks are $55.00. If you order online you can pay in 3 monthly installments ($16.67 each)! Visit the Josten’s website for more information.
Important and Upcoming Dates:
Wednesday, January 8 – Early Release Day
Tuesday, January 14 to Friday, January 17 – Midterm Exams
Monday, January 20 – MLK Day – No School
Wednesday, February 5 – Early Release Day
Monday, February 17 to Friday, February 21 – February Break
From our family at OOBHS, Happy Holidays! Students will return to school on Thursday, January 2nd. Please make sure that you and/or your child communicate with teachers to make sure any work that needs to be completed can be done over the break. This can be a very productive time to catch up with missed work. I thank you all for supporting our school this year. If you need anything over break call or text me at (207) 351-0099. The next Principal’s Memo will be Friday, January 3rd. We’re on to 2020!
Here are this week’s announcements:
Zac LaPlante!
Congratulations to Zac LaPlante, our Saco Bay Rotary Club OOBHS December 2019 Student of The Month!
Congrats To Our Musicians and Chorus!
Congratulations to the OOBHS Concert Band and Chorus for putting on an amazing show at the Holiday Concert last night. What an unbelievable music program we have. Loads of talent on display and the execution was terrific.
Student Supply Closet
We are pleased to announce that we now have a student supply closet at the High School! St. Margaret’s Church, IRepair, Landry’s as well as some community members have made generous donations to get us started. The closet contains pantry items, toiletries, feminine hygiene products, gently used clothes, new socks, phone cases, snacks, zoom bus passes and some gift cards. A big thank you to the students in the Life Skills room for cleaning out/setting up the closet as well as David Anderson, who is making a wooden sign in Industrial Design to hang on the outside door. When the closet gets low on items, students from Functional Life Skills will make lists, shop and restock the closet using donated gift cards. We are in need of hats, mittens, gloves, gently used jackets and boots. If you are able to donate any of these items please send them with your student to drop off with Mrs. Dupee in room 106. Gift cards in any amount to Hannaford, Landry’s or Walmart would also be greatly appreciated. Any student is able to access the closet. If you have any further questions please contact Mrs. Dupee (edupee@rsu23.org). Thank you so much!
From The OOBHS Boosters
The basketball season is upon us. The home schedules are on the OOBHS website. We will need volunteers for the concession stand. Please go to the website or email oobhsboosters@gmail.com to sign up and help work the games! Students can get community service hours toward graduation by helping with concessions.
Order your 2020 Yearbook now!! Order online, or see Ms. Moutsatsos in the Cafeteria to pay with cash or a check. Yearbooks are $55.00. If you order online you can pay in 3 monthly installments ($16.67 each)! Visit the Josten’s website for more information.
Important and Upcoming Dates:
Monday, December 23 to Wednesday, January 1 – Holiday Break
Wednesday, January 8 – Early Release Day
Tuesday, January 14 to Friday, January 17 – Midterm Exams
This week is our last week before the holiday break. Please go to our website for the athletic schedule if you are interested in attending any events this month to cheer on the Gulls. Our winter band and chorus concert is Thursday, December 19th, at 7 PM. We hope to see all of you here!
Student Supply Closet
We are pleased to announce that we now have a student supply closet at the High School! St. Margaret’s Church, IRepair, Landry’s as well as some community members have made generous donations to get us started. The closet contains pantry items, toiletries, feminine hygiene products, gently used clothes, new socks, phone cases, snacks, zoom bus passes and some gift cards. A big thank you to the students in the Life Skills room for cleaning out/setting up the closet as well as David Anderson, who is making a wooden sign in Industrial Design to hang on the outside door. When the closet gets low on items, students from Functional Life Skills will make lists, shop and restock the closet using donated gift cards. We are in need of hats, mittens, gloves, gently used jackets and boots. If you are able to donate any of these items please send them with your student to drop off with Mrs. Dupee in room 106. Gift cards in any amountto Hannaford, Landry’s or Walmart would also be greatly appreciated. Any student is able to access the closet. If you have any further questions please contact Mrs. Dupee (edupee@rsu23.org). Thank you so much!
From The OOBHS Boosters
The basketball season is upon us. The home schedules are on the OOBHS website. We will need volunteers for the concession stand. The Boosters would like to organize a raffle for a door prize (gift cards) during the December 10th varsity basketball games. Raffle tickets will be given to anyone who brings a non-perishable food item to the game. All the collected food will be donated to OOBHS in care of ……….. to benefit our community”
Please go to the website or email oobhsboosters@gmail.com to sign up and help work the games! Students can get community service hours toward graduation by helping with concessions.
Order your 2020 Yearbook now!! Order online, or see Ms. Moutsatsos in the Cafeteria to pay with cash or a check. Yearbooks are $55.00. If you order online you can pay in 3 monthly installments ($16.67 each)! Visit the Josten’s website for more information.
Second-quarter progress report grades will be available Friday, December 13th through the Powerschool Parent Portal. If you have not set up a Powerschool Parent Portal account, please email Karen Murphy(ksmurphy@rsu23.org) to get the information for portal setup. Please go to our website for athletic schedules if you are interested in attending any events this month to cheer on the Gulls! Our winter band and chorus concert is on Thursday, December 19th, at 7 PM. We hope to see all of you here! These are this week’s notifications:
We are pleased to announce that we now have a student supply closet at the High School! St. Margaret’s Church, IRepair, Landry’s as well as some community members have made generous donations to get us started. The closet contains pantry items, toiletries, feminine hygiene products, gently used clothes, new socks, phone cases, snacks, zoom bus passes and some gift cards. A big thank you to the students in the Life Skills room for cleaning out/setting up the closet as well as David Anderson, who is making a wooden sign in Industrial Design to hang on the outside door. When the closet gets low on items, students from Functional Life Skills will make lists, shop and restock the closet using donated gift cards. We are in need of hats, mittens, gloves, gently used jackets and boots. If you are able to donate any of these items please send them with your student to drop off with Mrs. Dupee in room 106. Gift cards in any amount to Hannaford, Landry’s or Walmart would also be greatly appreciated. Any student is able to access the closet. If you have any further questions please contact Mrs. Dupee (edupee@rsu23.org). Thank you so much!
From The OOBHS Boosters
The basketball season is upon us. The home schedules are on the OOBHS website. We will need volunteers for the concession stand. The Boosters would like to organize a raffle for a door prize (gift cards) during the December 10th varsity basketball games. Raffle tickets will be given to anyone who brings a non-perishable food item to the game. All the collected food will be donated to OOBHS in care of ……….. to benefit our community”
Please go to the website or email oobhsboosters@gmail.com to sign up and help work the games! Students can get community service hours toward graduation by helping with concessions.
Yearbook Info!
Order your 2020 Yearbook now!! Order online, or see Ms. Moutsatsos in the Cafeteria to pay with cash or a check. Yearbooks are $55.00. If you order online you can pay in 3 monthly installments ($16.67 each)! Visit the Josten’s website for more information.
The second quarter has begun. Please talk with your child about their progress to date and again please contact teachers with any questions! Best of luck to the football team tomorrow in the state championship! Here are this week’s communications:
Fan Buses
OOBHS Football vs Mt. Ararat 8 Man State Football Championship tomorrow 2 PM at Fitzpatrick Stadium in Portland. Community fan buses leaving OOBHS at 1 PM. Tickets to the game are $10.00 for adults and $5.00 for students/seniors. The fan bus is free. Please call 934-4461 by the end of the school day to reserve your spot.
The basketball season will soon be upon us. The home schedules are on the OOBHS website. We will need volunteers for the concession stand. Please go to the website or email oobhsboosters@gmail.com to sign up and help work the games! Students can get community service hours toward graduation by helping with concessions.
Attached to the newsletter is a flier for “School Spirit Tastes Great”. It a fundraiser to support Old Orchard Beach High School Boosters. Come in to the Chipotle at 349 Maine Mall Road in South Portland on Tuesday, November 19th between 4:00 pm and 8:00 pm. Bring the attached flyer, show it on your smartphone or tell the cashier you’re supporting the cause to make sure that 33% ofthe proceeds will be donated to Old Orchard Beach High School Boosters.
Thanksgiving Meal Resources Available!
St. Margaret’s Church is once again graciously donating Thanksgiving baskets to OOB families who could use a little holiday help. Please contact Cathy Reed at 934-4461, ext. 1225 or creed@rsu23.org to receive a basket. You will need to provide her with your name, # of adults and children in your family, and your phone number.
If a family does not have access to a kitchen or ability to cook a meal for the holiday, they are invited to have a free Thanksgiving dinner at Most Holy Trinity on Main Street in Saco. Dinner hours are 11 am – 2 pm. No reservations necessary. If a family cannot leave their home due to illness or other barrier, a hot Thanksgiving dinner can be delivered to their home or location. Please call Most Holy Trinity at 282-3321 or Phyllis Goulet at 284-5030. Leave a message with working phone #, address, and # in family. They will get back in touch to make a plan for delivery.
Yearbook Info!
Order your 2020 Yearbook now!! Order online, or see Ms. Moutsatsos in the Cafeteria to pay with cash or a check. Yearbooks are $55.00. If you order online you can pay in 3 monthly installments ($16.67 each)! Visit the Josten’s website for more information.
Important and Upcoming Dates:
Tuesday, November 26 – Early Release Day
Wednesday, November 27 – Friday to November 29 – Thanksgiving Break