I hope you all had a good week. Students and staff had a great start to the school year. This year still looks different but we are all happy to be back together. Please reach out to your child’s teachers if you have any questions. Contact information for each teacher is posted on our school website under “Faculty and Staff.” Here we go with this week’s announcements!
OPEN HOUSE Open House is scheduled for Wednesday, September 15 from 6:00 to 8:00 PM. Parents and students are encouraged to attend and it’s an excellent opportunity to meet our amazing staff, tour the school, and experience a “day in the life” at Old Orchard Beach High School. Open house participants will receive student schedules upon arrival and we look forward to seeing you!
Open House ScheduleOld Orchard Beach High School
September 15, 2021 (6:00-8:00pm)
Start Time
End Time
Welcome & Staff Introductions (20min)
6:00 pm
6:20 pm
Block 1 (10 min)
Block 2 (10 min)
Block 3 (10 min)
Block 4 (10 min)
Block 5 (10 min)
Block 6 (10 min)
Block 7 (10 min)
Block 8 (10 min)
Customized Learning Block (11 min)
Dismissal from CLB
8:00 pm
RETURNING STUDENT ONLINE REGISTRATION ALL returning students must have the 2021-2022 “Returning” student registration completed prior to the start of the school year. Returning student registration will open up on August 23. The parent/guardian will receive an email with instructions on how to update their child’s information. (This process replaces the paper process.) This should take 15 minutes and it is vital that we get this updated information from you prior to the start of school. This online process will also have the following information:
If you have not received an email, please contact Karen Murphy at ksmurphy@rsu23.org.
YEARBOOK INFORMATION Yearbooks are currently on sale for the 2021-22 school year! They are available online at Jostens.com or can be purchased from Ms.M with cash or a check. Yearbooks are $50 until October 29th. Seniors should submit their Senior pictures and baby pictures to Ms.Moutsatsos no later than October 29th. They can be emailed or scanned from hard copies in the Main Office. Purchase a yearbook at:http://jostensyearbooks.com/?ref=A03268700 or 1-877-767-5217.
FROM THE GUIDANCE DEPARTMENT Now that we are one full week into the school year, students can meet with Ms. Roe and Mr. Santamore to discuss schedule changes. Those meetings can begin this coming Monday, September 13th. Please reach out to Ms. Roe (eroe@rsu23.org) or Mr. Santamore (psantamore@rsu23.org) to schedule a meeting, or pop in and schedule one via Mrs. Murphy.
STUDENT PICTURES Picture day is scheduled for Tuesday, September 21st. Picture forms will be distributed to students during the first week of school.
SCHOOL NUTRITION PROGRAM Breakfast and lunch are offered daily and are free to all students throughout the entire school year. A la carte items are available daily for purchase. Although school meals are free this year, we still need your help. Free & Reduced Meal applications, available at http://rsu23.schoollunchapp.com, help our district receive funding for all students and take less than 5 minutes to complete. In addition, SAT and college application fees may be waived if you are eligible. Every application received before September 15 (regardless of outcome) is eligible to win $250, $150, or $100 to Hannaford. Please feel free to contact Caroline Trinder, Food & Nutrition Service Director, with any questions at ctrinder@rsu23.org or 934-4461 x 1239. There is a chance we could go remote learning if temperatures are too high during the first few weeks of school. If your family would need meal(s) delivered on those days, please email ctrinder@rsu23.org with your child(ren)’s names and address by September 4, 2021. Meals would be dropped off at your house sometime in the morning on these days.
Supplies are low and we’re seeking donations of:
Bottled water
Individual cracker snacks
Peanut butter & Jelly
Macaroni & cheese
Pasta & Sauce
New socks
New (unopened) mens & Womens underwear (sizes S-L)
Feminine hygiene products<
We are also still passing out tagged clynk bags to raise money for Hannaford gift cards/ closet supplies
STUDENT PARKING & EARLY RELEASE & LATE ARRIVAL Students who would like to drive their car to school must register their car in the main office and acquire a parking permit. Cars without a parking permit or cars parked in the improper lot may be removed at the owner’s expense. There is no student parking in the front lot. Early Release and Late Arrival privileges will be discussed with students during the first week of school.
FAMILY VACATION FORMS During the school year some families take vacations and ask that we excuse their children from school days. This is not a problem, however, we do have forms for the student, parents, teachers and administration to sign off on in order to help students understand the expectations of making up missed work. The forms can be found in the main office. Thanks for your help!
Wednesday, September 15 – Early Release Day/OOBHS Open House 6PM
Tuesday, September 21 – Picture Day
Monday, October 11 – Indigenous People’s Day No School
We had three great professional development days with teachers this week and we welcomed freshmen on Thursday. We are looking forward to all grades reporting on Tuesday! If you have any questions please reach out to me anytime at (207) 351-0099. Thanks, and here are this week’s announcements:
Today, September 3:No School
Tuesday, September 7 Grades 9-12:All students are expected to be here from 8:30-2:45 pm.
The link to the RSU 23 and OOBHS websites isRSU23.ORG. On the website homepage you can access the OOBHS Student Handbook. Students and families will be able to access all forms, notifications, and information through our school webpage. You can also follow Mr. Suttie on Twitter @Supt_Prin_OOB.
RETURNING STUDENT ONLINE REGISTRATION ALL returning students must have the 2021-2022 “Returning” student registration completed prior to the start of the school year. Returning student registration will open up on August 23. The parent/guardian will receive an email with instructions on how to update their child’s information. (This process replaces the paper process.) This should take 15 minutes and it is vital that we get this updated information from you prior to the start of school. This online process will also have the following information:
If you have not received an email, please contact Karen Murphy at ksmurphy@rsu23.org.
BIDDEFORD REGIONAL CENTER OF TECHNOLOGY There will be an informational parent and student Open House hosted by Paulette Bonneau (BRCOT Director) on Thursday, September 9 at 4:30-6:30 pm. The start date of Biddeford Regional Center of Technology (BRCOT) will be Wednesday, September 8. Students attending the morning session should arrive at the HS by 8:15 am and will return back to OOBHS at 11:05 am. Students attending the afternoon session should plan to take the bus at 11:40 am and will return to OOBHS at 2:50 pm. All students are expected to take the school bus to BRCOT unless a written request to drive is made to administration. Failure to comply with this policy will result in the loss of driving privileges to BRCOT.
FROM THE GUIDANCE DEPARTMENT Mr. Santamore and Ms. Roe are super excited to see you all again very soon. In the meantime, we are working hard to make sure everyone’s schedules and academic plans are ready for the 2021-2022 school year. Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions. Once school begins we will not be making changes to schedules until the week of September 24th. You may reach Ms. Roe at eroe@rsu23.org and Mr. Santamore at psantamore@rsu23.org. Enjoy your last few days of summer!
STUDENT PICTURES Picture day is scheduled for Tuesday, September 21st. Picture forms will be distributed to students during the first week of school.
SCHOOL NUTRITION PROGRAM Breakfast and lunch are offered daily and are free for all students, all year long. A la carte items are available daily for purchase. Although school meals are free this year, we still need your help. Free & Reduced Meal applications, available at http://rsu23.schoollunchapp.com, help our district receive funding for all students and take less than 5 minutes to complete. In addition, SAT and college application fees may be waived if you are eligible. Every application received before September 15 (regardless of outcome) is eligible to win $250, $150, or $100 to Hannaford. Please feel free to contact Caroline Trinder, Food & Nutrition Service Director, with any questions at ctrinder@rsu23.org or 934-4461 x 1239. There is a chance we could go remote learning if temperatures are too high during the first few weeks of school. If your family would need meal(s) delivered on those days, please email ctrinder@rsu23.org with your child(ren)’s names and address by September 4, 2021. Meals would be dropped off at your house sometime in the morning on these days.
STUDENT PARKING & EARLY RELEASE & LATE ARRIVAL Students who would like to drive their car to school must register their car in the main office and acquire a parking permit. Cars without a parking permit or cars parked in the improper lot may be removed at the owner’s expense. There is no student parking in the front lot. Early Release and Late Arrival privileges will be discussed with students during the first week of school.
FAMILY VACATION FORMS During the school year some families take vacations and ask that we excuse their children from school days. This is not a problem, however, we do have forms for the student, parents, teachers and administration to sign off on in order to help students understand the expectations of making up missed work. The forms can be found in the main office. Thanks for your help!
Friday, September 3 – No School
Monday, September 6 – Labor Day, No School
Tuesday, September 7 – First Day of School Grades 9-12
Wednesday, September 8 – First Day of Classes at BRCOT
Wednesday, September 15 – Early Release Day/OOBHS Open House 6PM
We are very excited to begin the journey for 2021-2022 at Old Orchard Beach High School. Our goal is to make sure every student succeeds and we are committed to working with each family to ensure that our students learn and grow in a safe, supportive, environment. My first Friday memo of the year will provide you with the information necessary to begin the school year. Here are this week’s announcements!
Thursday September 2 – Grade 9 Students Only
All 9th graders are expected to attend Thursday September 2 from 8:30-2:45 pm. Breakfast will be available from 8:00-8:20 and lunch will be offered. Bus transportation will be provided.
Friday September 3: No School- Teacher Professional Development Day Tuesday, September 7 Grades 9-12: All students are expected to be here from 8:30-2:45 pm.
The link to the RSU 23 and OOBHS websites is RSU23.ORG. On the website homepage you can access the OOBHS Student Handbook. Students and families will be able to access all forms, notifications, and information through our school webpage. You can also follow Mr. Suttie on Twitter @Supt_Prin_OOB.
There will be an informational parent and student Open House hosted by Paulette Bonneau (BRCOT Director) on Thursday, September 9 at 4:30-6:30 pm. BRCOT will be sending out additional details to parents and families the week of August 16. The start date of Biddeford Regional Center of Technology (BRCOT) will be Wednesday, September 8. Students attending the morning session should arrive at the HS by 8:15 am and will return back to OOBHS at 11:05 am. Students attending the afternoon session should plan to take the bus at 11:40 am and will return to OOBHS at 2:50 pm. All students are expected to take the school bus to BRCOT unless a written request to drive is made to administration. Failure to comply with this policy will result in the loss of driving privileges to BRCOT.
Mr. Santamore and Ms. Roe are super excited to see you all again very soon. In the meantime, we are working hard to make sure everyone’s schedules and academic plans are ready for the 2021-2022 school year. Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions. Once school begins we will not be making changes to schedules until the week of September 24th. You may reach Ms. Roe at eroe@rsu23.org and Mr. Santamore at psantamore@rsu23.org. Enjoy your last few days of summer!!!
We are excited to announce “Returning Student Online Registration” for the upcoming school year! This process replaces the paper forms sent home at the beginning of each school year. You should have received an email with instructions. If you have not received an email, please contact Karen Murphy at ksmurphy@rsu23.org.
Picture day is scheduled for Tuesday, September 21st. Picture forms will be distributed to students during the first week of school.
Breakfast and lunch are offered daily and are free for all students, all year long. A la carte items are available daily for purchase. Although school meals are free this year, we still need your help. Free & Reduced Meal applications, available at http://rsu23.schoollunchapp.com, help our district receive funding for all students and take less than 5 minutes to complete. In addition, SAT and college application fees may be waived if you are eligible. Every application received before September 15 (regardless of outcome) is eligible to win $250, $150, or $100 to Hannaford. Please feel free to contact Caroline Trinder, Food & Nutrition Service Director, with any questions at ctrinder@rsu23.org or 934-4461 x 1239. There is a chance we could go remote learning if temperatures are too high during the first few weeks of school. If your family would need meal(s) delivered on those days, please email ctrinder@rsu23.org with your child(ren)’s names and address by September 4, 2021. Meals would be dropped off at your house sometime in the morning on these days.
Students who would like to drive their car to school must register their car in the main office and acquire a parking permit. Cars without a parking permit or cars parked in the improper lot may be removed at the owner’s expense. There is no student parking in the front lot. Early Release and Late Arrival privileges will be discussed with students during the first week of school.
Thursday, September 2 – First Day Grade 9 Only
Friday, September 3 – No School
Monday, September 6 – Labor Day, No School
Tuesday, September 7 – First Day of School Grades 9-12
Wednesday, September 8 – First Day of Classes at BRCOT
Wednesday, September 15 – Early Release Day/OOBHS Open House 6PM
Graduation is complete and we had a wonderful farewell to our beloved Class of 2021. Thanks to everyone who helped make graduation week happen and to those who volunteered their time for the ceremony last Sunday. We have wrapped up the 2020-2021 school year! Thank you all for your tremendous support of our school. We had a great year despite the challenges and we are looking forward to August when we can welcome your children back. The next Principal’s Memo will be Friday, August 27th.. Call or text at (207) 351-0099 if you need me! Please set your calendars for the upcoming important dates in August regarding fall sports and the start of school at the end of the memo. Summer here we come….
The quarter 4 report cards will be emailed out next week through our “SwiftReach” system in powerschool.
All district owned student devices should be returned today (June 11, 2021). If you still have a district owned device (laptop or hot spot), please contact the appropriate school office to make arrangements to return the items. Any questions or concerns can be directed to techcoord@rsu23.org.
SPRING JAZZ PROJECT Highlights from our Spring 2021 jazz projects – the students did a great job and big thanks to Ryan Johnson for sound engineering and Gabe LaSalle for video editing! Enjoy
Congratulations to Alex Hodgkins, Melissa Pelletier, and Emily Tucker who were inducted into the OOBHS chapter of the National Honor Society this spring!
Greetings and Happy Spring!
We have some exciting news to share! After careful consideration we have decided to join forces with the Loranger/Jameson PTO. Our new name will be RSU23 PTO/Booster Club! This collaboration will be beneficial to all schools as we continue supporting OOB High School students and faculty! We will still have scholarships, concessions, and be supportive of any school activity or classroom in need of assistance!
RSU 23 PTO/Booster Club is still in need of volunteers to assist with upcoming fundraisers and future concessions. If interested please email pto@rsu23.org. We would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has helped the Booster Club in the last few years! It truly takes a village to make a successful organization and we appreciated all the help along the way!
Let’s continue to show the same support to our new team of officers:
Samantha Sauls, President
Lisa St. Louis, Vice President
Alex LePauloue, Treasurer
Jennifer Erickson, Secretary
Jennifer Partridge, Secretary
Thank you again!
Jenna Payea, past President
Karin Lavigne, past VP
Kara Poulin, past Secretary
Rene LaPlante, past Treasurer
Apex Youth Connection, located in Biddeford, offers low-cost camp options for area youth and they are looking to get the word out. https://www.apexyouthconnection.org. Their executive director Melissa Cilley (email: director@apexyouthconnection.org) has plenty of information available for promoting the summer camp programs, she would love to get in contact and share!
Today, June 11 – Last Day of School
Monday, August 16 – Fall Sports Begin
Thursday, September 2 – First Day of School Grade 9
Friday, September 3 – No School
Monday, September 6 – Labor Day, No School
Tuesday, September 7 – First Day of School Grades 10-12
Tuesday September 7 – First Day of Classes at BRCOT
Wednesday, September 15 – Early Release Day/OOBHS Open House 6PM
Hi Everyone, We are headed into graduation weekend full steam ahead. Please pay close attention to the “Upcoming Important Dates” section at the bottom of the memo so you can mark your calendars. Here are the communications for this week!
CLASS OF 2021 GRADUATION! I would like to invite everyone to our graduation ceremony this Sunday, June 6th at 2:00pm at the Seaside Pavilion. Parking at the site is extremely limited so please park at the high school, where shuttle bus transportation will be provided to and from the event starting at 1:00. We ask that all attendees wear masks.
NATIONAL HONOR SOCIETY INDUCTEES! Congratulations to Alex Hodgkins, Melissa Pelletier, and Emily Tucker who were inducted into the OOBHS chapter of the National Honor Society this spring!
Congratulations to OOBHS Jazz Combo group members Ryan Johnson, Gabe LaSalle, Trevor Grenier, Cormac Quinlan, and Nick Drown, for placing third at the NATIONAL High School Jazz Festival in the Live Performance category. Quite an accomplishment!
Jostens, the leading producer of yearbooks and student-created content, announced that Old Orchard Beach High School’s yearbook program has achieved the Jostens 2021 National Yearbook Program of Excellence award at the Bronze Level. The National Yearbook Program of Excellence recognizes engaging yearbooks that reflect a broad representation of the student body while helping students develop 21st century skills such as communication, collaboration, and information and communication technologies (ICT) literacy. The Old Orchard Beach High School award-winning yearbook program is led by Melissa Pelletier, Emily Tucker and Katie Holt under the direction of Stephanie Moutsatsos yearbook adviser. Congratulations!
Transportation- Busses will run daily at 12:10 and 2:45
Food- Breakfast is served daily and lunches will be provided before and after the second exam.
Study Areas- If students don’t have a final exam they are expected to be in the cafeteria or the library. The library and Study Support (Room 104) will be reserved for students who want a quiet, food-free study area. The cafeteria will be open to students who want to study with classmates and/or eat food.
Study Support (Room 104)- The Study Support room will be staffed and the room will be available for all interested students. Attendance at Study Support is required for those students who still have missing assignments and/or failing grades.
Executive Functioning Skills- Students with scheduled learning labs need to attend.
Timeliness: Students should be arriving on-time for exams. Any Students arriving late to tests should be sent to the main office to check-in.
Afternoon Make-Up Exams- Students that miss an exam due to an excused absence need to see their teacher as soon as possible to schedule an exam make-up.
END OF SCHOOL YEAR DEVICE COLLECTION We will be collecting all district owned student devices at the end of this school year. All students/parents will be required to fill out the EOY Device Collection Form, confirming the condition of their device and all accessories. Please complete the just before returning device. Any questions or concerns can be directed to techcoord@rsu23.org.
OOB HS Device Collection Plan
Early Device Turn-In ****All students who do not need Chromebooks for finals
Juniors – Freshman (YOG 2022 -2024)
6/7 to 6/10
Finals Week Device Turn-In
****All students will turn-in devices to the Library after their last final exam
Juniors – Freshman (YOG 2022 -2024)
6/11 and Beyond
Missing items letters (e.g. list missing items, bring back ASAP or pay Fees Due)
Juniors – Freshman (YOG 2022 -2024)
Students with District’s Hotspots– Hotspots will be required to be turned in with your device. Remote Academy Students – You will be contacted with dates & times of when & where you can drop off your devices.
Greetings and Happy Spring!
We have some exciting news to share! After careful consideration we have decided to join forces with the Loranger/Jameson PTO. Our new name will be RSU23 PTO/Booster Club! This collaboration will be beneficial to all schools as we continue supporting OOB High School students and faculty! We will still have scholarships, concessions, and be supportive of any school activity or classroom in need of assistance!
RSU 23 PTO/Booster Club is still in need of volunteers to assist with upcoming fundraisers and future concessions. If interested please email pto@rsu23.org. We would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has helped the Booster Club in the last few years! It truly takes a village to make a successful organization and we appreciated all the help along the way!
Let’s continue to show the same support to our new team of officers:
Samantha Sauls, President
Lisa St. Louis, Vice President
Alex LePauloue, Treasurer
Jennifer Erickson, Secretary
Jennifer Partridge, Secretary
Thank you again!
Jenna Payea, past President
Karin Lavigne, past VP
Kara Poulin, past Secretary
Rene LaPlante, past Treasurer
Apex Youth Connection, located in Biddeford, offers low-cost camp options for area youth and they are looking to get the word out. https://www.apexyouthconnection.org. Their executive director Melissa Cilley (email: director@apexyouthconnection.org) has plenty of information available for promoting the summer camp programs, she would love to get in contact and share!
Congratulations to Ryan Johnson and Duffy Rose who earned Valedictorian and Salutatorian, respectively. in a very competitive graduating class!! A great honor.
Congratulations to senior Katie O’Neil who has been named May 2021 OOBHS and Saco Bay Rotary Club Student of the Month!
The government has released rental assistance funds for families impacted by the economic downturn due to the pandemic. For more information please click this link: https://yccac.org/covid-19-rent-relief-program/
Students must complete 20 hours of community service as a graduation requirement. Parents of seniors please check with your child to find out if they still have hours to complete. Please contact the guidance office for community service opportunities. We have plenty for the kids to do!
STUDENT SUPPLY CLOSET BOTTLE DRIVE Money raised will purchase food, emergency needs and gift cards for OOBHS families. See the flyer to participate or Contact Ms. Moutsatsos (smoutsatsos@rsu23.org) or Mrs. Dupee (edupee@rsu23.org) to get a pre-tagged CLYNK bag.
Sunday, June 6 – Graduation (2 PM) Seaside Pavilion
Hi Everyone, As we cruise into Memorial Day weekend (there is no school on Monday in observance of the holiday) please check with your child about their academic progress to ensure all obligations are completed prior to June 11th. Things are moving smoothly here at the high school as students are looking forward to graduation, the great weather, and a positive end to the year! Please pay close attention to the “Upcoming Important Dates” section at the bottom of the memo so you can mark your calendars. Here are the communications for this week!
This year’s 2021 AWARDS CEREMONY will be held Thursday, June 3, 2021 at 5:30 pm. It will be held in a virtual format in order to maximize the number of guests who can attend while adhering to COVID-19 health and safety guidelines so as to minimize risks of a COVID-19 exposure prior to the in-person graduation ceremony. Our hope is that by limiting group gatherings in the days leading up to the June 6th Graduation Ceremony, we will maximize the ability for all seniors and their guests to enjoy the in person graduation ceremony. We thank everyone for their understanding and support in this matter. The link to attend the Virtual Awards Ceremony will be sent to all students and parents/guardians via email prior to June 3rd. We look forward to celebrating this event and our students many achievements with you all!
Congratulations to OOBHS Jazz Combo group members Ryan Johnson, Gabe LaSalle, Trevor Grenier, Cormac Quinlan, and Nick Drown, for placing third at the NATIONAL High School Jazz Festival in the Live Performance category. Quite an accomplishment!
GRADUATION 2021 RETURNS TO THE SEASIDE PAVILION! Thanks to loosened COVID restrictions, and as reported, graduation will return to our traditional venue, The Seaside Pavilion, on Sunday, June 6. The ceremony will begin at 2 PM. There are no limits on the number of attendees. We ask people to park at OOBHS and shuttle buses will transport everyone to the venue. The buses will begin running at 1PM. All attendees are required to wear masks.
OOBHS YEARBOOK WINS NATIONAL AWARD! Jostens, the leading producer of yearbooks and student-created content, announced that Old Orchard Beach High School’s yearbook program has achieved the Jostens 2021 National Yearbook Program of Excellence award at the Bronze Level. The National Yearbook Program of Excellence recognizes engaging yearbooks that reflect a broad representation of the student body while helping students develop 21st century skills such as communication, collaboration, and information and communication technologies (ICT) literacy. The Old Orchard Beach High School award-winning yearbook program is led by Melissa Pelletier, Emily Tucker and Katie Holt under the direction of Stephanie Moutsatsos yearbook adviser. Congratulations!
Transportation- Busses will run daily at 12:10 and 2:45
Food- Breakfast is served daily and lunches will be provided before and after the second exam.
Study Areas- If students don’t have a final exam they are expected to be in the cafeteria or the library. The library and Study Support (Room 104) will be reserved for students who want a quiet, food-free study area. The cafeteria will be open to students who want to study with classmates and/or eat food.
Study Support (Room 104)- The Study Support room will be staffed and the room will be available for all interested students. Attendance at Study Support is required for those students who still have missing assignments and/or failing grades.
Executive Functioning Skills- Students with scheduled learning labs need to attend.
Timeliness: Students should be arriving on-time for exams. Any Students arriving late to tests should be sent to the main office to check-in.
Afternoon Make-Up Exams- Students that miss an exam due to an excused absence need to see their teacher as soon as possible to schedule an exam make-up.
BOOSTER CLUB NEWS MAY 21, 2021 Greetings and Happy Spring! We have some exciting news to share! After careful consideration we have decided to join forces with the Loranger/Jameson PTO. Our new name will be RSU23 PTO/Booster Club! This collaboration will be beneficial to all schools as we continue supporting OOB High School students and faculty! We will still have scholarships, concessions, and be supportive of any school activity or classroom in need of assistance!
RSU 23 PTO/Booster Club is still in need of volunteers to assist with upcoming fundraisers and future concessions. If interested please email pto@rsu23.org. We would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has helped the Booster Club in the last few years! It truly takes a village to make a successful organization and we appreciated all the help along the way!
Let’s continue to show the same support to our new team of officers: Samantha Sauls, President Lisa St. Louis, Vice President Alex LePauloue, Treasurer Jennifer Erickson, Secretary Jennifer Partridge, Secretary
Thank you again! Jenna Payea, past President Karin Lavigne, past VP Kara Poulin, past Secretary Rene LaPlante, past Treasurer
Apex Youth Connection, located in Biddeford, offers low-cost camp options for area youth and they are looking to get the word out. https://www.apexyouthconnection.org. Their executive director Melissa Cilley (email: director@apexyouthconnection.org) has plenty of information available for promoting the summer camp programs, she would love to get in contact and share!
Congratulations to Ryan Johnson and Duffy Rose who earned Valedictorian and Salutatorian, respectively. in a very competitive graduating class!! A great honor.
Congratulations to senior Katie O’Neil who has been named May 2021 OOBHS and Saco Bay Rotary Club Student of the Month!
The government has released rental assistance funds for families impacted by the economic downturn due to the pandemic. For more information please click this link: https://yccac.org/covid-19-rent-relief-program/
Students must complete 20 hours of community service as a graduation requirement. Parents of seniors please check with your child to find out if they still have hours to complete. Please contact the guidance office for community service opportunities. We have plenty for the kids to do!
STUDENT SUPPLY CLOSET BOTTLE DRIVE Money raised will purchase food, emergency needs and gift cards for OOBHS families. See the flyer to participate or Contact Ms. Moutsatsos (smoutsatsos@rsu23.org) or Mrs. Dupee (edupee@rsu23.org) to get a pre-tagged CLYNK bag.
SCHOOL NUTRITION PROGRAM! As a reminder, breakfast and lunch are available daily at school and free to all students throughout the entire school year.We ask that you still complete a Free and Reduced Application. These applications help us to receive funding and programming that helps all students district-wide. In addition, if you qualify, you can get Spectrum internet for only $14.95/month! Applications are available at the front office and on our website at: http://rsu23.schoollunchapp.com. School breakfast and lunch menus are also posted on the RSU 23 Website on theFood & Nutrition Page. Please feel free to contact Caroline Trinder, Food & Nutrition Services Director, with any questions at ctrinder@rsu23.org or 934-4461 ext. 1239. We are looking forward to serving healthy and tasty meals all year!
Free Breakfasts and Lunches are also provided every Wednesday behind Loranger Memorial School between 10:15-10:45am, no need to RSVP, just show up!
Monday, May 31 – No School, Memorial Day
Thursday, June 3 – Virtual Awards Ceremony (5:30 pm)
Sunday, June 6 – Graduation (2 PM) Seaside Pavilion
Hi Everyone, Please check with your child about their academic progress to ensure all obligations are completed prior to June 11th. Things are moving smoothly here at the high school as students are looking forward to graduation, the great weather, and a positive end to the year! Please pay close attention to the “Upcoming Important Dates” section at the bottom of the memo so you can mark your calendars. Here are the communications for this week!
GRADUATION 2021 RETURNS TO THE SEASIDE PAVILION! Thanks to loosened COVID restrictions, and as reported, graduation will return to our traditional venue, The Seaside Pavilion, on Sunday, June 6. The ceremony will begin at 2 PM. There are no limits on the number of attendees. We ask people to park at OOBHS and shuttle buses will transport everyone to the venue. The buses will begin running at 1PM. All attendees are required to wear masks.
OOBHS YEARBOOK WINS NATIONAL AWARD! Jostens, the leading producer of yearbooks and student-created content, announced that Old Orchard Beach High School’s yearbook program has achieved the Jostens 2021 National Yearbook Program of Excellence award at the Bronze Level. The National Yearbook Program of Excellence recognizes engaging yearbooks that reflect a broad representation of the student body while helping students develop 21st century skills such as communication, collaboration, and information and communication technologies (ICT) literacy. The Old Orchard Beach High School award-winning yearbook program is led by Melissa Pelletier, Emily Tucker and Katie Holt under the direction of Stephanie Moutsatsos yearbook adviser. Congratulations!
BOOSTER CLUB NEWS MAY 21, 2021 Greetings and Happy Spring! We have some exciting news to share! After careful consideration we have decided to join forces with the Loranger/Jameson PTO. Our new name will be RSU23 PTO/Booster Club! This collaboration will be beneficial to all schools as we continue supporting OOB High School students and faculty! We will still have scholarships, concessions, and be supportive of any school activity or classroom in need of assistance!
RSU 23 PTO/Booster Club is still in need of volunteers to assist with upcoming fundraisers and future concessions. If interested please email pto@rsu23.org. We would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has helped the Booster Club in the last few years! It truly takes a village to make a successful organization and we appreciated all the help along the way!
Let’s continue to show the same support to our new team of officers: Samantha Sauls, President Lisa St. Louis, Vice President Alex LePauloue, Treasurer Jennifer Erickson, Secretary Jennifer Partridge, Secretary
Thank you again! Jenna Payea, past President Karin Lavigne, past VP Kara Poulin, past Secretary Rene LaPlante, past Treasurer
Apex Youth Connection, located in Biddeford, offers low-cost camp options for area youth and they are looking to get the word out. https://www.apexyouthconnection.org. Their executive director Melissa Cilley (email: director@apexyouthconnection.org) has plenty of information available for promoting the summer camp programs, she would love to get in contact and share!
Congratulations to Ryan Johnson and Duffy Rose who earned Valedictorian and Salutatorian, respectively. in a very competitive graduating class!! A great honor.
Congratulations to senior Katie O’Neil who has been named May 2021 OOBHS and Saco Bay Rotary Club Student of the Month!
Quarter 4 progress report grades are available on the powerschool parent portal.
Senior exam week begins Monday, May 24 and the complete schedule is posted below. All students are expected to take their finals with their teachers during the scheduled exam blocks. Unless teachers have requested otherwise, students are not expected to attend classes after their scheduled exam blocks during exam week. Students will be informed of any of these scheduling adjustments by Friday, May 21. Students that miss an exam due to an excused absence need to see their teacher as soon as possible to schedule an exam make-up. Thanks and good luck!
Transportation- Busses will run daily at 12:10 and 2:45
Food- Breakfast is served daily and lunches will be provided before and after the second exam.
Study Areas- If students don’t have a final exam they are expected to be in the cafeteria or the library. The library and Study Support (Room 104) will be reserved for students who want a quiet, food-free study area. The cafeteria will be open to students who want to study with classmates and/or eat food.
Study Support (Room 104)- The Study Support room will be staffed and the room will be available for all interested students. Attendance at Study Support is required for those students who still have missing assignments and/or failing grades.
Executive Functioning Skills- Students with scheduled learning labs need to attend.
Timeliness: Students should be arriving on-time for exams. Any Students arriving late to tests should be sent to the main office to check-in.
Afternoon Make-Up Exams- Students that miss an exam due to an excused absence need to see their teacher as soon as possible to schedule an exam make-up.
This year’s 2021 AWARDS CEREMONY will be held Thursday, June 3, 2021 at 5:30 pm. It will be held in a virtual format in order to maximize the number of guests who can attend while adhering to COVID-19 health and safety guidelines so as to minimize risks of a COVID-19 exposure prior to the in-person graduation ceremony. Our hope is that by limiting group gatherings in the days leading up to the June 6th Graduation Ceremony, we will maximize the ability for all seniors and their guests to enjoy the in person graduation ceremony. We thank everyone for their understanding and support in this matter. The link to attend the Virtual Awards Ceremony will be sent to all students and parents/guardians via email prior to June 3rd. We look forward to celebrating this event and our students many achievements with you all!
As a reminder, all seniors NOT in a vocational program are required to complete a Career Explorations Project by today (this is the alternate project that was approved as a replacement to the internship project that has been required in past years). At this point, Non-Voc. Seniors should have completed and submitted their Career Explorations Interview and Research Assignment as well as a Thank You Email to their Interviewee, and now should be reaching out to schedule their Final Reflective Conversation with Ms. Moutsatsos or Ms. Hayes. Please don’t hesitate to reach out for assistance as needed to smoutsatsos@rsu23.org or jhayes@rsu23.org.
The government has released rental assistance funds for families impacted by the economic downturn due to the pandemic. For more information please click this link: https://yccac.org/covid-19-rent-relief-program/
Students must complete 20 hours of community service as a graduation requirement. Parents of seniors please check with your child to find out if they still have hours to complete. Please contact the guidance office for community service opportunities. We have plenty for the kids to do!
STUDENT SUPPLY CLOSET BOTTLE DRIVE Money raised will purchase food, emergency needs and gift cards for OOBHS families. See the flyer to participate or Contact Ms. Moutsatsos (smoutsatsos@rsu23.org) or Mrs. Dupee (edupee@rsu23.org) to get a pre-tagged CLYNK bag.
SCHOOL NUTRITION PROGRAM! As a reminder, breakfast and lunch are available daily at school and free to all students throughout the entire school year.We ask that you still complete a Free and Reduced Application. These applications help us to receive funding and programming that helps all students district-wide. In addition, if you qualify, you can get Spectrum internet for only $14.95/month! Applications are available at the front office and on our website at: http://rsu23.schoollunchapp.com. School breakfast and lunch menus are also posted on the RSU 23 Website on theFood & Nutrition Page. Please feel free to contact Caroline Trinder, Food & Nutrition Services Director, with any questions at ctrinder@rsu23.org or 934-4461 ext. 1239. We are looking forward to serving healthy and tasty meals all year!
Free Breakfasts and Lunches are also provided every Wednesday behind Loranger Memorial School between 10:15-10:45am, no need to RSVP, just show up!
Thursday, May 20 to Friday May 28 – Senior Exam Week
Monday, May 31 – No School, Memorial Day
Thursday, June 3 – Virtual Awards Ceremony (5:30 pm)
Sunday, June 6 – Graduation (2 PM) Seaside Pavilion
Hi Everyone, According to the increased activity downtown, one can see the summer season is almost upon us! It is very important that students focus on making sure they are completing any obligations and classwork as school begins to wind down this year. Students and staff are committed to a strong finish in the school year while we celebrate all of our great accomplishments during the past nine months. Please pay close attention to the “Upcoming Important Dates” section at the bottom of the memo so you can mark your calendars! Here are the communications for this week!
GRADE 11 SCIENCE MEAS On Tuesday May 18th all Juniors will be taking the Science MEAs. Students will be completing three one hour testing sessions. Students will be provided a lunch and allowed to leave after their testing is complete. Please contact Mrs. Nason at enason@rsu23.org if you have any questions.
APEX YOUTH CONNECTION Apex Youth Connection, located in Biddeford, offers low-cost camp options for area youth and they are looking to get the word out. https://www.apexyouthconnection.org. Their executive director Melissa Cilley (email: director@apexyouthconnection.org) has plenty of information available for promoting the summer camp programs, she would love to get in contact and share!
Congratulations to Ryan Johnson and Duffy Rose who earned Valedictorian and Salutatorian, respectively. in a very competitive graduating class!! A great honor.
As reported, graduation will be held on Regina Field on the OOBHS campus Sunday June 6th at 1PM. Rain date is Monday June 7th 1PM. There are no limits on the number of attendees. We will limit the number of family members of each senior who can sit in the bleachers. We will report out how many family members for each student can sit in the bleachers next Friday. Remaining family members and friends will be able to view the ceremony from other designated spots around the field.
Congratulations to senior Katie O’Neil who has been named May 2021 OOBHS and Saco Bay Rotary Club Student of the Month!
QUARTER 4 PROGRESS REPORT GRADES Quarter 4 progress report grades are available on the powerschool parent portal.
This year we will be hosting a Senior class celebration as a combination of Prom and Senior Night. We will be implementing and adhering to CDC health and safety guidelines and this event will be an amazing formal dinner and evening of entertainment in lieu of a dance. It is open to Seniors and a date that is a student at OOBHS. There is no cost to attend, but you will need to make a reservation with Ms. Moutsatsos. Please join us Saturday, May 15th at River Winds Farm from 6-10 pm to celebrate! Reservations will be taken during the month of April.
Senior exam week begins Monday, May 24 and the complete schedule is posted below. All students are expected to take their finals with their teachers during the scheduled exam blocks. Unless teachers have requested otherwise, students are not expected to attend classes after their scheduled exam blocks during exam week. Students will be informed of any of these scheduling adjustments by Friday, May 21. Students that miss an exam due to an excused absence need to see their teacher as soon as possible to schedule an exam make-up. Thanks and good luck!
We are excited to announce that all 9-12th grade OOBHS students will have the opportunity to participate in a statewide Virtual Career Fair May 17-21st. As part of this exciting event, students will have access to learn from wonderful keynote speakers, workshops, and experts in a variety of career fields. Your School Guidance Counselors, Ms. Nason and Ms. Hayes, will be in touch with more details and information on how to sign up for workshops of interest. In the meantime, the following site https://www.mevirtualcareerfair.org/ offers more information regarding specific speakers and participating organizations.
This year’s 2021 AWARDS CEREMONY will be held Thursday, June 3, 2021 at 5:30 pm. It will be held in a virtual format in order to maximize the number of guests who can attend while adhering to COVID-19 health and safety guidelines so as to minimize risks of a COVID-19 exposure prior to the in-person graduation ceremony. Our hope is that by limiting group gatherings in the days leading up to the June 6th Graduation Ceremony, we will maximize the ability for all seniors and their guests to enjoy the in person graduation ceremony. We thank everyone for their understanding and support in this matter. The link to attend the Virtual Awards Ceremony will be sent to all students and parents/guardians via email prior to June 3rd. We look forward to celebrating this event and our students many achievements with you all!
As a reminder, all seniors NOT in a vocational program are required to complete a Career Explorations Project by May 21st (this is the alternate project that was approved as a replacement to the internship project that has been required in past years). At this point, Non-Voc. Seniors should have completed and submitted their Career Explorations Interview and Research Assignment as well as a Thank You Email to their Interviewee, and now should be reaching out to schedule their Final Reflective Conversation with Ms. Moutsatsos or Ms. Hayes. Please don’t hesitate to reach out for assistance as needed to smoutsatsos@rsu23.org or jhayes@rsu23.org.
Based on the recent announcement regarding the wearing of face masks at outdoor events, the following guidelines will be in place for those events overseen by the Maine Principals’ Association. Please know that these recommendations fully align with the Maine Community Sport Guidelines that have been updated.
Masks are not required for outdoor practices and competitions. Masks are recommended when 6 feet of physical distance is hard to maintain (e.g., athletes on the bench). They are also required when individuals go inside (e.g., to locker rooms, rest rooms, or on a bus).
Spectators are not required to wear a mask at outside events if they are able to maintain 6 feet of distancing.
Please note that we need you to sit/congregate only with those in your household or masks are required. Our facilities are large enough where all can socially distance w/out masks if rules are followed. Also note that away venues may require masks at all times and may not allow spectators.
Thank you in advance for your cooperation.
The government has released rental assistance funds for families impacted by the economic downturn due to the pandemic. For more information please click this link: https://yccac.org/covid-19-rent-relief-program/
Students must complete 20 hours of community service as a graduation requirement. Parents of seniors please check with your child to find out if they still have hours to complete. Please contact the guidance office for community service opportunities. We have plenty for the kids to do!
STUDENT SUPPLY CLOSET BOTTLE DRIVE Money raised will purchase food, emergency needs and gift cards for OOBHS families. See the flyer to participate or Contact Ms. Moutsatsos (smoutsatsos@rsu23.org) or Mrs. Dupee (edupee@rsu23.org) to get a pre-tagged CLYNK bag.
SCHOOL NUTRITION PROGRAM! As a reminder, breakfast and lunch are available daily at school and free to all students throughout the entire school year.We ask that you still complete a Free and Reduced Application. These applications help us to receive funding and programming that helps all students district-wide. In addition, if you qualify, you can get Spectrum internet for only $14.95/month! Applications are available at the front office and on our website at: http://rsu23.schoollunchapp.com. School breakfast and lunch menus are also posted on the RSU 23 Website on theFood & Nutrition Page. Please feel free to contact Caroline Trinder, Food & Nutrition Services Director, with any questions at ctrinder@rsu23.org or 934-4461 ext. 1239. We are looking forward to serving healthy and tasty meals all year!
Free Breakfasts and Lunches are also provided every Wednesday behind Loranger Memorial School between 10:15-10:45am, no need to RSVP, just show up!
Tomorrow, May 15 – Senior Prom
Thursday, May 20 to Friday May 28 – Senior Exam Week
Monday, May 31 – No School, Memorial Day
Thursday, June 3 – Virtual Awards Ceremony (5:30 pm)
Hi Everyone, Happy Mother’s Day to all the moms out there! As we march through the month of May, we are checking off boxes regarding things that need to be accomplished before graduation and the end of the school year. Please pay close attention to the “Upcoming Important Dates” section at the bottom of the memo so you can mark your calendars. Here are the communications for this week.
VALEDICTORIAN AND SALUTATORIAN FOR CLASS OF 2021 Congratulations to Ryan Johnson and Duffy Rose who earned Valedictorian and Salutatorian, respectively. in a very competitive graduating class!! A great honor.
GRADUATION 2021 As reported, graduation will be held on Regina Field on the OOBHS campus Sunday June 6th at 1PM. Rain date is Monday June 7th 1PM. There are no limits on the number of attendees. We will limit the number of family members of each senior who can sit in the bleachers. We will report out how many family members for each student can sit in the bleachers next Friday. Remaining family members and friends will be able to view the ceremony from other designated spots around the field.
KATIE O’NEILL! Congratulations to senior Katie O’Neil who has been named May 2021 OOBHS and Saco Bay Rotary Club Student of the Month!
PROM/SENIOR NIGHT This year we will be hosting a Senior class celebration as a combination of Prom and Senior Night. We will be implementing and adhering to CDC health and safety guidelines and this event will be an amazing formal dinner and evening of entertainment in lieu of a dance. It is open to Seniors and a date that is a student at OOBHS. There is no cost to attend, but you will need to make a reservation with Ms. Moutsatsos. Please join us Saturday, May 15th at River Winds Farm from 6-10 pm to celebrate! Reservations will be taken during the month of April.
SENIOR EXAM WEEK Senior exam week begins Monday, May 24 and the complete schedule is posted below. All students are expected to take their finals with their teachers during the scheduled exam blocks. Unless teachers have requested otherwise, students are not expected to attend classes after their scheduled exam blocks during exam week. Students will be informed of any of these scheduling adjustments by Friday, May 21. Students that miss an exam due to an excused absence need to see their teacher as soon as possible to schedule an exam make-up. Thanks and good luck!
QUARTER 3 HONOR ROLL: Please click on the link to see the Q3 Honor Roll List: 20_21Q3HonorRollPapers
9-12TH GRADE – ME VIRTUAL CAREER FAIR We are excited to announce that all 9-12th grade OOBHS students will have the opportunity to participate in a statewide Virtual Career Fair May 17-21st. As part of this exciting event, students will have access to learn from wonderful keynote speakers, workshops, and experts in a variety of career fields. Your School Guidance Counselors, Ms. Nason and Ms. Hayes, will be in touch with more details and information on how to sign up for workshops of interest. In the meantime, the following site https://www.mevirtualcareerfair.org/ offers more information regarding specific speakers and participating organizations.
2021 VIRTUAL AWARDS CEREMONY This year’s 2021 AWARDS CEREMONY will be held Thursday, June 3, 2021 at 5:30 pm. It will be held in a virtual format in order to maximize the number of guests who can attend while adhering to COVID-19 health and safety guidelines so as to minimize risks of a COVID-19 exposure prior to the in-person graduation ceremony. Our hope is that by limiting group gatherings in the days leading up to the June 6th Graduation Ceremony, we will maximize the ability for all seniors and their guests to enjoy the in person graduation ceremony. We thank everyone for their understanding and support in this matter. The link to attend the Virtual Awards Ceremony will be sent to all students and parents/guardians via email prior to June 3rd. We look forward to celebrating this event and our students many achievements with you all!
SENIOR CAREER EXPLORATIONS PROJECT As a reminder, all seniors NOT in a vocational program are required to complete a Career Explorations Project by May 21st (this is the alternate project that was approved as a replacement to the internship project that has been required in past years). At this point, Non-Voc. Seniors should have completed and submitted their Career Explorations Interview and Research Assignment as well as a Thank You Email to their Interviewee, and now should be reaching out to schedule their Final Reflective Conversation with Ms. Moutsatsos or Ms. Hayes. Please don’t hesitate to reach out for assistance as needed to smoutsatsos@rsu23.org or jhayes@rsu23.org.
MPA SPRING SPORTS UPDATED GUIDELINES 4/28/21! Based on the recent announcement regarding the wearing of face masks at outdoor events, the following guidelines will be in place for those events overseen by the Maine Principals’ Association. Please know that these recommendations fully align with the Maine Community Sport Guidelines that have been updated.
Masks are not required for outdoor practices and competitions. Masks are recommended when 6 feet of physical distance is hard to maintain (e.g., athletes on the bench). They are also required when individuals go inside (e.g., to locker rooms, rest rooms, or on a bus).
Spectators are not required to wear a mask at outside events if they are able to maintain 6 feet of distancing.
Please note that we need you to sit/congregate only with those in your household or masks are required. Our facilities are large enough where all can socially distance w/out masks if rules are followed. Also note that away venues may require masks at all times and may not allow spectators.
Thank you in advance for your cooperation.
The government has released rental assistance funds for families impacted by the economic downturn due to the pandemic. For more information please click this link: https://yccac.org/covid-19-rent-relief-program/
COMMUNITY SERVICE Students must complete 20 hours of community service as a graduation requirement. Parents of seniors please check with your child to find out if they still have hours to complete. Please contact the guidance office for community service opportunities. We have plenty for the kids to do!
STUDENT SUPPLY CLOSET BOTTLE DRIVE Money raised will purchase food, emergency needs and gift cards for OOBHS families. See the flyer to participate or Contact Ms. Moutsatsos (smoutsatsos@rsu23.org) or Mrs. Dupee (edupee@rsu23.org) to get a pre-tagged CLYNK bag.
SCHOOL NUTRITION PROGRAM! As a reminder, breakfast and lunch are available daily at school and free to all students throughout the entire school year.We ask that you still complete a Free and Reduced Application. These applications help us to receive funding and programming that helps all students district-wide. In addition, if you qualify, you can get Spectrum internet for only $14.95/month! Applications are available at the front office and on our website at: http://rsu23.schoollunchapp.com. School breakfast and lunch menus are also posted on the RSU 23 Website on theFood & Nutrition Page. Please feel free to contact Caroline Trinder, Food & Nutrition Services Director, with any questions at ctrinder@rsu23.org or 934-4461 ext. 1239. We are looking forward to serving healthy and tasty meals all year!
Free Breakfasts and Lunches are also provided every Wednesday behind Loranger Memorial School between 10:15-10:45am, no need to RSVP, just show up!
Saturday, May 15 – Senior Prom
Monday, May 31 – No School, Memorial Day
Thursday, June 3 – Virtual Awards Ceremony (5:30 pm)
Hi Everyone, We are on to May and that means we are full speed ahead planning for the end of the year and the graduation of our beloved class of 2021! Please pay close attention to the “Upcoming Important Dates” section at the bottom of the memo so you can mark your calendars. Here are the communications for this week:
QUARTER 3 HONOR ROLL: Please click on the link to see the Q3 Honor Roll List: 20_21Q3HonorRollPapers
9-12TH GRADE – ME VIRTUAL CAREER FAIR We are excited to announce that all 9-12th grade OOBHS students will have the opportunity to participate in a statewide Virtual Career Fair May 17-21st. As part of this exciting event, students will have access to learn from wonderful keynote speakers, workshops, and experts in a variety of career fields. Your School Guidance Counselors, Ms. Nason and Ms. Hayes, will be in touch with more details and information on how to sign up for workshops of interest. In the meantime, the following site https://www.mevirtualcareerfair.org/ offers more information regarding specific speakers and participating organizations.
2021 VIRTUAL AWARDS CEREMONY This year’s 2021 AWARDS CEREMONY will be held Thursday, June 3, 2021 at 5:30 pm. It will be held in a virtual format in order to maximize the number of guests who can attend while adhering to COVID-19 health and safety guidelines so as to minimize risks of a COVID-19 exposure prior to the in-person graduation ceremony. Our hope is that by limiting group gatherings in the days leading up to the June 6th Graduation Ceremony, we will maximize the ability for all seniors and their guests to enjoy the in person graduation ceremony. We thank everyone for their understanding and support in this matter. The link to attend the Virtual Awards Ceremony will be sent to all students and parents/guardians via email prior to June 3rd. We look forward to celebrating this event and our students many achievements with you all!
SENIOR CAREER EXPLORATIONS PROJECT As a reminder, all seniors NOT in a vocational program are required to complete a Career Explorations Project by May 21st (this is the alternate project that was approved as a replacement to the internship project that has been required in past years). At this point, Non-Voc. Seniors should have completed and submitted their Career Explorations Interview and Research Assignment as well as a Thank You Email to their Interviewee, and now should be reaching out to schedule their Final Reflective Conversation with Ms. Moutsatsos or Ms. Hayes. Please don’t hesitate to reach out for assistance as needed to smoutsatsos@rsu23.org or jhayes@rsu23.org.
MPA SPRING SPORTS UPDATED GUIDELINES 4/28/21! Based on the recent announcement regarding the wearing of face masks at outdoor events, the following guidelines will be in place for those events overseen by the Maine Principals’ Association. Please know that these recommendations fully align with the Maine Community Sport Guidelines that have been updated.
Masks are not required for outdoor practices and competitions. Masks are recommended when 6 feet of physical distance is hard to maintain (e.g., athletes on the bench). They are also required when individuals go inside (e.g., to locker rooms, rest rooms, or on a bus).
Spectators are not required to wear a mask at outside events if they are able to maintain 6 feet of distancing.
Please note that we need you to sit/congregate only with those in your household or masks are required. Our facilities are large enough where all can socially distance w/out masks if rules are followed. Also note that away venues may require masks at all times and may not allow spectators.
Thank you in advance for your cooperation
We hope this finds everyone in great health and spirits! Due to the nature of the year 2020 and the many cancellations we have not been able to utilize our fundraising opportunities (Car Show, Concessions stand, 50/50 raffles). Luckily we are in good shape and were able to give out 3 scholarships for the class of 2020 and will be giving out scholarships for the Class of 2021. Scholarships are only a part of where the fundraising efforts are distributed. We also have made considerable donations back to the school. Here is a small example: water fountains for refilling water bottles, bus trips, equipment (culinary and gym/weight room), field day, and senior gifts. This is a small picture of how active Booster Club is for all students and faculty! This is why we are making an appeal to everyone. At the end of this school year we will be losing a number of members of Booster Club being the natural progression. We are in need of all positions! President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. Link to Duties of OOBHS Boosters Officers. Please contact us if you would like more information at oobhsboosters@gmail.com. Booster Club is a great opportunity for getting to know students, faculty, and the school community!
Jenna Payea, President
Karin Lavigne, VP
Renee LaPlante, Treasurer
Kara Poulin, Secretary
This year we will be hosting a Senior class celebration as a combination of Prom and Senior Night. We will be implementing and adhering to CDC health and safety guidelines and this event will be an amazing formal dinner and evening of entertainment in lieu of a dance. It is open to Seniors and a date that is a student at OOBHS. There is no cost to attend, but you will need to make a reservation with Ms. Moutsatsos. Please join us Saturday, May 15th at River Winds Farm from 6-10 pm to celebrate! Reservations will be taken during the month of April.
The government has released rental assistance funds for families impacted by the economic downturn due to the pandemic. For more information please click this link: https://yccac.org/covid-19-rent-relief-program/
COMMUNITY SERVICE Students must complete 20 hours of community service as a graduation requirement. Parents of seniors please check with your child to find out if they still have hours to complete. Please contact the guidance office for community service opportunities. We have plenty for the kids to do!
STUDENT SUPPLY CLOSET BOTTLE DRIVE Money raised will purchase food, emergency needs and gift cards for OOBHS families. See the flyer to participate or Contact Ms. Moutsatsos (smoutsatsos@rsu23.org) or Mrs. Dupee (edupee@rsu23.org) to get a pre-tagged CLYNK bag.
SCHOOL NUTRITION PROGRAM! As a reminder, breakfast and lunch are available daily at school and free to all students throughout the entire school year.We ask that you still complete a Free and Reduced Application. These applications help us to receive funding and programming that helps all students district-wide. In addition, if you qualify, you can get Spectrum internet for only $14.95/month! Applications are available at the front office and on our website at: http://rsu23.schoollunchapp.com. School breakfast and lunch menus are also posted on the RSU 23 Website on theFood & Nutrition Page. Please feel free to contact Caroline Trinder, Food & Nutrition Services Director, with any questions at ctrinder@rsu23.org or 934-4461 ext. 1239. We are looking forward to serving healthy and tasty meals all year!
Free Breakfasts and Lunches are also provided every Wednesday behind Loranger Memorial School between 10:15-10:45am, no need to RSVP, just show up!
Saturday, May 15 – Senior Prom
Monday, May 31 – No School, Memorial Day
Thursday, June 3 – Virtual Awards Ceremony (5:30 pm)