April vacation is now upon us! I’m sending the memo a day early as tomorrow is a non-student day. Please continue to stay informed of the events going on here at OOBHS as things will happen very quickly when we return from vacation, especially for seniors and their families. Please contact me if you need anything over break. I will be in and out of the building but call or text me anytime, day or night, my cell phone number is (207) 351-0099. The next Principal’s Memo will be on Friday, April 30th. Here are this week’s communications:
SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATIONS DUE 4/15/21 Senior Scholarship Applications are due today no later than 3:00. Please contact Mrs. Murphy at ksmurphy@rsu23.org if you have any questions.
We hope this finds everyone in great health and spirits! Due to the nature of the year 2020 and the many cancellations we have not been able to utilize our fundraising opportunities (Car Show, Concessions stand, 50/50 raffles). Luckily we are in good shape and were able to give out 3 scholarships for the class of 2020 and will be giving out scholarships for the Class of 2021. Scholarships are only a part of where the fundraising efforts are distributed. We also have made considerable donations back to the school. Here is a small example: water fountains for refilling water bottles, bus trips, equipment (culinary and gym/weight room), field day, and senior gifts. This is a small picture of how active Booster Club is for all students and faculty! This is why we are making an appeal to everyone. At the end of this school year we will be losing a number of members of Booster Club being the natural progression. We are in need of all positions! President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. Link to Duties of OOBHS Boosters Officers. Please contact us if you would like more information at oobhsboosters@gmail.com. Booster Club is a great opportunity for getting to know students, faculty, and the school community!
Jenna Payea, President
Karin Lavigne, VP
Renee LaPlante, Treasurer
Kara Poulin, Secretary
QUARTER 3 REPORT CARDS: Quarter 3 report cards were emailed out Friday, 4/9/21 via our Alert system. Please contact your child’s teacher if you have any questions. If you have trouble viewing your child’s report card please contact Karen Murphy at ksmurphy@rsu23.org.
We are excited for the return of Spring sports at OOBHS, which will see for the first time in over a year the return of spectators. Please remember that we still need to adhere to Maine CDC and DOE guidelines as fans.
Masks must be worn at all times.
Social distancing is required (sit or stand only with those whom you dwell with) all others should maintain 6 foot distance between spectators/families.
After the conclusion of the contest please leave , do not wait or hang out to avoid congregating.
Our venues are well suited for these guidelines and our ultimate goal is to be sure we can have a fantastic spring season for our student athletes. If consistent issues arise we reserve the right to close these venues to spectators. We thank you in advance for your support of our athletes and your cooperation. Reminder we DO NOT allow dogs at our venues.Guidelines may vary for away venues and we will update as we face new opponents.
This year we will be hosting a Senior class celebration as a combination of Prom and Senior Night. We will be implementing and adhering to CDC health and safety guidelines and this event will be an amazing formal dinner and evening of entertainment in lieu of a dance. It is open to Seniors and a date that is a student at OOBHS. There is no cost to attend, but you will need to make a reservation with Ms. Moutsatsos. Please join us Saturday, May 15th at River Winds Farm from 6-10 pm to celebrate! Reservations will be taken during the month of April.
The government has released rental assistance funds for families impacted by the economic downturn due to the pandemic. For more information please click this link: https://yccac.org/covid-19-rent-relief-program/
STUDENT SUPPLY CLOSET BOTTLE DRIVE Money raised will purchase food, emergency needs and gift cards for OOBHS families. See the flyer to participate or Contact Ms. Moutsatsos (smoutsatsos@rsu23.org) or Mrs. Dupee (edupee@rsu23.org) to get a pre-tagged CLYNK bag.
Students must complete 20 hours of community service as a graduation requirement. Parents of seniors please check with your child to find out if they still have hours to complete. Please contact the guidance office for community service opportunities. We have plenty for the kids to do!
SCHOOL NUTRITION PROGRAM! As a reminder, breakfast and lunch are available daily at school and free to all students throughout the entire school year.We ask that you still complete a Free and Reduced Application. These applications help us to receive funding and programming that helps all students district-wide. In addition, if you qualify, you can get Spectrum internet for only $14.95/month! Applications are available at the front office and on our website at: http://rsu23.schoollunchapp.com. School breakfast and lunch menus are also posted on the RSU 23 Website on theFood & Nutrition Page. Please feel free to contact Caroline Trinder, Food & Nutrition Services Director, with any questions at ctrinder@rsu23.org or 934-4461 ext. 1239. We are looking forward to serving healthy and tasty meals all year!
Free Breakfasts and Lunches are also provided every Wednesday behind Loranger Memorial School between 10:15-10:45am, no need to RSVP, just show up!
During the school year some families take vacations and ask that we excuse their children from school days. This is not a problem, however, we do have forms for the student, parents, teachers and administration to sign off on in order to help students understand the expectations of making up missed work. The forms can be found in the main office. Thanks for your help!
Students who would like to drive their car to school must register their car in the main office and acquire a parking permit. Cars without a parking permit or cars parked in the improper lot may be removed at the owner’s expense. There is no student parking in the front lot.
Friday, April 16 to Friday, April 23 – April Vacation
Hi Everyone! Next week is the last week before April vacation. Spring sports and activities have begun as we have begun the last quarter of the year. It seems amazing that graduation is eight weeks away and the last day of school is nine weeks away. We have had a great year at OOBHS and we are looking forward to a very strong finish. Here are this week’s communications:
PETER COLEMAN! Congratulations to Peter Coleman who was named the Saco Bay Rotary Club OOBHS Student of the month(s) for March and April 2021!
QUARTER 3 REPORT CARDS: Quarter 3 report cards will be emailed out today via our Alert system. Please contact your child’s teacher if you have any questions. If you have trouble viewing your child’s report card please contact Karen Murphy at ksmurphy@rsu23.org.
SPRING SPORTS! We are excited for the return of Spring sports at OOBHS, which will see for the first time in over a year the return of spectators. Please remember that we still need to adhere to Maine CDC and DOE guidelines as fans.
Masks must be worn at all times.
Social distancing is required (sit or stand only with those whom you dwell with) all others should maintain 6 foot distance between spectators/families.
After the conclusion of the contest please leave , do not wait or hang out to avoid congregating.
Our venues are well suited for these guidelines and our ultimate goal is to be sure we can have a fantastic spring season for our student athletes. If consistent issues arise we reserve the right to close these venues to spectators. We thank you in advance for your support of our athletes and your cooperation. Reminder we DO NOT allow dogs at our venues.Guidelines may vary for away venues and we will update as we face new opponents. #GULLPRIDE
PROM/SENIOR NIGHT! This year we will be hosting a Senior class celebration as a combination of Prom and Senior Night. We will be implementing and adhering to CDC health and safety guidelines and this event will be an amazing formal dinner and evening of entertainment in lieu of a dance. It is open to Seniors and a date that is a student at OOBHS. There is no cost to attend, but you will need to make a reservation with Ms. Moutsatsos. Please join us Saturday, May 15th at River Winds Farm from 6-10 pm to celebrate! Reservations will be taken during the month of April.
RENTAL ASSISTANCE! The government has released rental assistance funds for families impacted by the economic downturn due to the pandemic. For more information please click this link:https://yccac.org/covid-19-rent-relief-program/
STUDENT SUPPLY CLOSET BOTTLE DRIVE Money raised will purchase food, emergency needs and gift cards for OOBHS families. See the flyer to participate or Contact Ms. Moutsatsos (smoutsatsos@rsu23.org) or Mrs. Dupee (edupee@rsu23.org) to get a pre-tagged CLYNK bag.
GREETINGS FROM THE BOOSTER CLUB! We hope this finds everyone in great health and spirits! Due to the nature of the year 2020 and the many cancellations we have not been able to utilize our fundraising opportunities (Car Show, Concessions stand, 50/50 raffles). Luckily we are in good shape and were able to give out 3 scholarships for the class of 2020 and will be giving out scholarships for the Class of 2021. Scholarships are only a part of where the fundraising efforts are distributed. We also have made considerable donations back to the school. Here is a small example: water fountains for refilling water bottles, bus trips, equipment (culinary and gym/weight room), field day, and senior gifts. This is a small picture of how active Booster Club is for all students and faculty! This is why we are making an appeal to everyone. At the end of this school year we will be losing a number of members of Booster Club being the natural progression. We are in need of all positions! President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. Link to Duties of OOBHS Boosters Officers. Please contact us if you would like more information at oobhsboosters@gmail.com. Booster Club is a great opportunity for getting to know students, faculty, and the school community!
Sincerely, Jenna Payea, President Karin Lavigne, VP Renee LaPlante, Treasurer Kara Poulin, Secretary
FAME FINANCIAL AID NIGHT On Tuesday April 13th at 5:30 pm Jessica Wittier from the Financial Authority of Maine will be offering a virtual informational session about everything financial aid. Your school counselors will share more information in the upcoming weeks including a link to participate in this event.
COMMUNITY SERVICE Students must complete 20 hours of community service as a graduation requirement. Parents of seniors please check with your child to find out if they still have hours to complete. Please contact the guidance office for community service opportunities. We have plenty for the kids to do!
SCHOOL NUTRITION PROGRAM! As a reminder, breakfast and lunch are available daily at school and free to all students throughout the entire school year.We ask that you still complete a Free and Reduced Application. These applications help us to receive funding and programming that helps all students district-wide. In addition, if you qualify, you can get Spectrum internet for only $14.95/month! Applications are available at the front office and on our website at: http://rsu23.schoollunchapp.com. School breakfast and lunch menus are also posted on the RSU 23 Website on theFood & Nutrition Page. Please feel free to contact Caroline Trinder, Food & Nutrition Services Director, with any questions at ctrinder@rsu23.org or 934-4461 ext. 1239. We are looking forward to serving healthy and tasty meals all year!
Free Breakfasts and Lunches are also provided every Wednesday behind Loranger Memorial School between 10:15-10:45am, no need to RSVP, just show up!
During the school year some families take vacations and ask that we excuse their children from school days. This is not a problem, however, we do have forms for the student, parents, teachers and administration to sign off on in order to help students understand the expectations of making up missed work. The forms can be found in the main office. Thanks for your help!
Students who would like to drive their car to school must register their car in the main office and acquire a parking permit. Cars without a parking permit or cars parked in the improper lot may be removed at the owner’s expense. There is no student parking in the front lot.
Tuesday, April 13 – FAME Financial Aid Information Night
Friday, April 16-Friday, April 23 – April Vacation
Hi Everyone! There is much work to do while third-quarter grades close today and we think about heading into the fourth quarter and moving toward graduation. We have a lot of activity going on next week and over the next two months so stay tuned! Here are this week’s communications:
SPRING SPORTS! We are excited for the return of Spring sports at OOBHS, which will see for the first time in over a year the return of spectators. Please remember that we still need to adhere to Maine CDC and DOE guidelines as fans.
Masks must be worn at all times.
Social distancing is required (sit or stand only with those whom you dwell with) all others should maintain 6 foot distance between spectators/families.
After the conclusion of the contest please leave , do not wait or hang out to avoid congregating.
Our venues are well suited for these guidelines and our ultimate goal is to be sure we can have a fantastic spring season for our student athletes. If consistent issues arise we reserve the right to close these venues to spectators. We thank you in advance for your support of our athletes and your cooperation. Reminder we DO NOT allow dogs at our venues.Guidelines may vary for away venues and we will update as we face new opponents. #GULLPRIDE
PROM/SENIOR NIGHT! This year we will be hosting a Senior class celebration as a combination of Prom and Senior Night. We will be implementing and adhering to CDC health and safety guidelines and this event will be an amazing formal dinner and evening of entertainment in lieu of a dance. It is open to Seniors and a date that is a student at OOBHS. There is no cost to attend, but you will need to make a reservation with Ms. Moutsatsos. Please join us Saturday, May 15th at River Winds Farm from 6-10 pm to celebrate! Reservations will be taken during the month of April.
RENTAL ASSISTANCE! The government has released rental assistance funds for families impacted by the economic downturn due to the pandemic. For more information please click this link:https://yccac.org/covid-19-rent-relief-program/
APRIL BREAK MEAL KITS! RSU 23 Food & Nutrition Services is excited to be able to provide free meal kits over April break! You may reserve 1 meal kit per child 18 and under living in your household. Each meal kit will contain 1 loaf of bread, 1 package of deli turkey, 1 head of lettuce, 3 tomatoes, 7 apples, 7 oranges, 1 gallon of milk, and 1 box of cereal. Meal kits will be delivered to your house on the morning of Friday, April 16. Please complete the Meal Kit Request Form by Wednesday, April 7 if you’re interested in having meal kits delivered. Please contact Caroline Trinder at ctrinder@rsu23.org with any questions.
STUDENT SUPPLY CLOSET BOTTLE DRIVE Money raised will purchase food, emergency needs and gift cards for OOBHS families. See the flyer to participate or Contact Ms. Moutsatsos (smoutsatsos@rsu23.org) or Mrs. Dupee (edupee@rsu23.org) to get a pre-tagged CLYNK bag.
GREETINGS FROM THE BOOSTER CLUB! We hope this finds everyone in great health and spirits! Due to the nature of the year 2020 and the many cancellations we have not been able to utilize our fundraising opportunities (Car Show, Concessions stand, 50/50 raffles). Luckily we are in good shape and were able to give out 3 scholarships for the class of 2020 and will be giving out scholarships for the Class of 2021. Scholarships are only a part of where the fundraising efforts are distributed. We also have made considerable donations back to the school. Here is a small example: water fountains for refilling water bottles, bus trips, equipment (culinary and gym/weight room), field day, and senior gifts. This is a small picture of how active Booster Club is for all students and faculty! This is why we are making an appeal to everyone. At the end of this school year we will be losing a number of members of Booster Club being the natural progression. We are in need of all positions! President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. Link to Duties of OOBHS Boosters Officers. Please contact us if you would like more information at oobhsboosters@gmail.com. Booster Club is a great opportunity for getting to know students, faculty, and the school community!
Sincerely, Jenna Payea, President Karin Lavigne, VP Renee LaPlante, Treasurer Kara Poulin, Secretary
BIDDEFORD REGIONAL CENTER OF TECHNOLOGY BRCOT is currently accepting applications for all of their programs for the 2021-2022 school year. Please visit their website https://sites.google.com/biddefordschools.me/cot/cot-home for more information and to apply. Mrs. Hayes and Ms. Nason are available for support around accessing these programs.
INFORMATION NIGHT FOR SENIORS There will be a virtual scholarship information session for all seniors and their families on the different local scholarships that are available through OOBHS and how to apply for them on Wednesday April 7th at 5:30 pm. Look for an invitation in your emails in the upcoming weeks.
FAME FINANCIAL AID NIGHT On Tuesday April 13th at 5:30 pm Jessica Wittier from the Financial Authority of Maine will be offering a virtual informational session about everything financial aid. Your school counselors will share more information in the upcoming weeks including a link to participate in this event.
COMMUNITY SERVICE Students must complete 20 hours of community service as a graduation requirement. Parents of seniors please check with your child to find out if they still have hours to complete. Please contact the guidance office for community service opportunities. We have plenty for the kids to do!
SCHOOL NUTRITION PROGRAM! As a reminder, breakfast and lunch are available daily at school and free to all students throughout the entire school year.We ask that you still complete a Free and Reduced Application. These applications help us to receive funding and programming that helps all students district-wide. In addition, if you qualify, you can get Spectrum internet for only $14.95/month! Applications are available at the front office and on our website at: http://rsu23.schoollunchapp.com. School breakfast and lunch menus are also posted on the RSU 23 Website on theFood & Nutrition Page. Please feel free to contact Caroline Trinder, Food & Nutrition Services Director, with any questions at ctrinder@rsu23.org or 934-4461 ext. 1239. We are looking forward to serving healthy and tasty meals all year!
Free Breakfasts and Lunches are also provided every Wednesday behind Loranger Memorial School between 10:15-10:45am, no need to RSVP, just show up!
During the school year some families take vacations and ask that we excuse their children from school days. This is not a problem, however, we do have forms for the student, parents, teachers and administration to sign off on in order to help students understand the expectations of making up missed work. The forms can be found in the main office. Thanks for your help!
Students who would like to drive their car to school must register their car in the main office and acquire a parking permit. Cars without a parking permit or cars parked in the improper lot may be removed at the owner’s expense. There is no student parking in the front lot.
Friday, April 2 – Grades close for Quarter 3
Wednesday, April 7 – Scholarship Information Night for Seniors
Tuesday, April 13 – FAME Financial Aid Information Night
I have great news. We are pleased to announce that we are planning for a traditional outdoor graduation ceremony. This year’s graduation will be held on its planned date Sunday, June 6th at 1 PM. We will hold graduation at Regina Field so that we can meet all recommended CDC guidelines (100% Capacity with 6-foot distancing). Regina Field will allow everyone to attend. Holding graduation at the Seaside Pavilion this year would limit attendance. We plan on returning to the Seaside Pavilion next year. The rain date is Monday, June 7th at the same start time. More information to follow. Here are this week’s announcements:
PROM/SENIOR NIGHT! This year we will be hosting a Senior class celebration as a combination of Prom and Senior Night. We will be implementing and adhering to CDC health and safety guidelines and this event will be an amazing formal dinner and evening of entertainment in lieu of a dance. It is open to Seniors and a date that is a student at OOBHS. There is no cost to attend, but you will need to make a reservation with Ms. Moutsatsos. Please join us Saturday, May 15th at River Winds Farm from 6-10 pm to celebrate! Reservations will be taken during the month of April.
RENTAL ASSISTANCE! The government has released rental assistance funds for families impacted by the economic downturn due to the pandemic. For more information please click this link:https://yccac.org/covid-19-rent-relief-program/
APRIL BREAK MEAL KITS! RSU 23 Food & Nutrition Services is excited to be able to provide free meal kits over April break! You may reserve 1 meal kit per child 18 and under living in your household. Each meal kit will contain 1 loaf of bread, 1 package of deli turkey, 1 head of lettuce, 3 tomatoes, 7 apples, 7 oranges, 1 gallon of milk, and 1 box of cereal. Meal kits will be delivered to your house on the morning of Friday, April 16. Please complete the Meal Kit Request Form by Wednesday, April 7 if you’re interested in having meal kits delivered. Please contact Caroline Trinder at ctrinder@rsu23.org with any questions.
STUDENT SUPPLY CLOSET BOTTLE DRIVE Money raised will purchase food, emergency needs and gift cards for OOBHS families. See the flyer to participate or Contact Ms. Moutsatsos (smoutsatsos@rsu23.org) or Mrs. Dupee (edupee@rsu23.org) to get a pre-tagged CLYNK bag.
2021 NATIONAL TECHNICAL HONOR SOCIETY INDUCTEES! Congratulations to the following OOBHS and Biddeford Regional Center of Technology students who were inducted into the National Technical Honor Society last night! Andrew Charron, Garrett Dupee, Katherine Holt, Melissa Pelletier, Benjamin Perry, Ciara Roche. Great job. We are proud of you!
BIDDEFORD REGIONAL CENTER OF TECHNOLOGY BRCOT is currently accepting applications for all of their programs for the 2021-2022 school year. Please visit their website https://sites.google.com/biddefordschools.me/cot/cot-home for more information and to apply. Mrs. Hayes and Ms. Nason are available for support around accessing these programs.
INFORMATION NIGHT FOR SENIORS There will be a virtual scholarship information session for all seniors and their families on the different local scholarships that are available through OOBHS and how to apply for them on Wednesday April 7th at 5:30 pm. Look for an invitation in your emails in the upcoming weeks.
FAME FINANCIAL AID NIGHT On Tuesday April 13th at 5:30 pm Jessica Wittier from the Financial Authority of Maine will be offering a virtual informational session about everything financial aid. Your school counselors will share more information in the upcoming weeks including a link to participate in this event.
COMMUNITY SERVICE Students must complete 20 hours of community service as a graduation requirement. Parents of seniors please check with your child to find out if they still have hours to complete. Please contact the guidance office for community service opportunities. We have plenty for the kids to do!
SCHOOL NUTRITION PROGRAM! As a reminder, breakfast and lunch are available daily at school and free to all students throughout the entire school year.We ask that you still complete a Free and Reduced Application. These applications help us to receive funding and programming that helps all students district-wide. In addition, if you qualify, you can get Spectrum internet for only $14.95/month! Applications are available at the front office and on our website at: http://rsu23.schoollunchapp.com. School breakfast and lunch menus are also posted on the RSU 23 Website on theFood & Nutrition Page. Please feel free to contact Caroline Trinder, Food & Nutrition Services Director, with any questions at ctrinder@rsu23.org or 934-4461 ext. 1239. We are looking forward to serving healthy and tasty meals all year!
Free Breakfasts and Lunches are also provided every Wednesday behind Loranger Memorial School between 10:15-10:45am, no need to RSVP, just show up!
During the school year some families take vacations and ask that we excuse their children from school days. This is not a problem, however, we do have forms for the student, parents, teachers and administration to sign off on in order to help students understand the expectations of making up missed work. The forms can be found in the main office. Thanks for your help!
Students who would like to drive their car to school must register their car in the main office and acquire a parking permit. Cars without a parking permit or cars parked in the improper lot may be removed at the owner’s expense. There is no student parking in the front lot.
Wednesday, March 31 – 8th Grade Family Night-OOBHS Showcase
Friday, April 2 – Grades close for Quarter 3
Wednesday, April 7 – Scholarship Information Night for Seniors
Tuesday, April 13 – FAME Financial Aid Information Night
Hi Everyone, I hope you all had a wonderful week. Spring is coming! If your child is looking for summer employment please contact our community employment liaison Steph Moutsatsos at smoutsatsos@rsu23.org. Quarter 3 also ends Friday, April 2nd, please check with your child to make sure all work is completed. Spring sports are getting underway soon! Here are this week’s communications:
APRIL BREAK MEAL KITS! RSU 23 Food & Nutrition Services is excited to be able to provide free meal kits over April break! You may reserve 1 meal kit per child 18 and under living in your household. Each meal kit will contain 1 loaf of bread, 1 package of deli turkey, 1 head of lettuce, 3 tomatoes, 7 apples, 7 oranges, 1 gallon of milk, and 1 box of cereal. Meal kits will be delivered to your house on the morning of Friday, April 16. Please complete the Meal Kit Request Form by Wednesday, April 7 if you’re interested in having meal kits delivered. Please contact Caroline Trinder at ctrinder@rsu23.org with any questions.
PENNY WAR FUNDRAISER The junior class is hosting a Penny War Fundraiser next week 3/22-3/26. Bring your loose change or cash to school next week and place it in a grade’s jar during lunches in the cafe. Pennies earn points and silver coins and bills lose points. All proceeds go to support the junior class. The winner will be announced on Island Day next Friday. May the best class score the most cash!
STUDENT SUPPLY CLOSET BOTTLE DRIVE Money raised will purchase food, emergency needs and gift cards for OOBHS families. See the flyer to participate or Contact Ms. Moutsatsos (smoutsatsos@rsu23.org) or Mrs. Dupee (edupee@rsu23.org) to get a pre-tagged CLYNK bag.
2021 NATIONAL TECHNICAL HONOR SOCIETY INDUCTEES! Congratulations to the following OOBHS and Biddeford Regional Center of Technology students who were inducted into the National Technical Honor Society last night! Andrew Charron, Garrett Dupee, Katherine Holt, Melissa Pelletier, Benjamin Perry, Ciara Roche. Great job. We are proud of you!
BIDDEFORD REGIONAL CENTER OF TECHNOLOGY BRCOT is currently accepting applications for all of their programs for the 2021-2022 school year. Please visit their website https://sites.google.com/biddefordschools.me/cot/cot-home for more information and to apply. Mrs. Hayes and Ms. Nason are available for support around accessing these programs.
Celebrating Maine’s Community of Young Artists Portland, Maine, March 2021 – Creative works from Maine art students will be on virtual display during the month of March on the Portland Museum of Art (PMA) website. This multi-media exhibition, sponsored by Maine Art Education Association (MAEA), highlights Youth Art Month, a national celebration sponsored by the Council for Art Education. The annual celebration, which typically takes place in March, emphasizes the value of art education for all children and encourages support for quality art programs in Maine schools and celebrates student creativity from pre-kindergarten-12th grade.
This year, Leah Green, a senior at Old Orchard Beach High School, was chosen to display her artwork entitled “The Peacefulness of Nature” an acrylic painting. Congratulations, Leah! Please visit https://www.portlandmuseum.org/yam-2021 to view the Youth Art Month exhibition.
Special thanks to our two runners up for submitting their creative and thoughtful pieces in the selection process!
“Arches” By Katie Holt
“Attachment” By Kaite O’Neill
INFORMATION NIGHT FOR SENIORS There will be a virtual scholarship information session for all seniors and their families on the different local scholarships that are available through OOBHS and how to apply for them on Wednesday April 7th at 5:30 pm. Look for an invitation in your emails in the upcoming weeks.
FAME FINANCIAL AID NIGHT On Tuesday April 13th at 5:30 pm Jessica Wittier from the Financial Authority of Maine will be offering a virtual informational session about everything financial aid. Your school counselors will share more information in the upcoming weeks including a link to participate in this event.
ALLIED ARTS WINTER SHOWCASE (The Virtual Edition!) A lot has changed in the way we interact this year, including our annual winter open house and concert. But that has not stopped the students in our Allied Arts programs from creating, playing, cooking, and collaborating! We are pleased to present the “2021 Allied Arts Winter Showcase” highlighting the wonderful work of our OOBHS students during the first semester. Enjoy!
COMMUNITY SERVICE Students must complete 20 hours of community service as a graduation requirement. Parents of seniors please check with your child to find out if they still have hours to complete. Please contact the guidance office for community service opportunities. We have plenty for the kids to do!
ON TRACK FOR COLLEGE! Starting this past Wednesday, students and their families have an amazing opportunity to think about what comes after high school and to make sure they have applied for the grants and scholarships that will make it easier to afford school.
On Track for College, is a free, first-of-its-kind opportunity in Maine for our graduating seniors and juniors and their families to learn about college from current college students. It also provides an unprecedented opportunity to interact live with admissions and financial aid experts from seven different Maine universities as well as FAME.
It will be way more than just another zoom meeting.
Live, Interactive Events: Over the course of twelve weeks, On Track for College will deliver a weekly series of interactive information sessions with college students and experts. Never more than 15-minutes, each of the many live event sessions will cover a range of topics and provide a quick look at many of Maine’s exciting and affordable higher education options. Experts from the Finance Authority of Maine will also be participating to provide help with the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).
Your Answers Now: Dozens of admissions and financial aid counselors will be standing by at each of the twelve events. These experts will be ready to participate in live 1-on-1 discussions in breakout rooms providing students and their families with the individual insights they need to make decisions.
COVID has upended the college search process this year but it will not put college out of reach for students and families ready to focus on what comes next. Please encourage your students to register now at visit.maine.edu.
Students just starting out can kick start their college exploration and get help navigating the financial aid application process. We will also be ready to assist students who are ready to apply or have been admitted, making sure they get the help they need to finalize decisions and make plans for a successful transition to college.
SCHOOL NUTRITION PROGRAM! As a reminder, breakfast and lunch are available daily at school and free to all students throughout the entire school year.We ask that you still complete a Free and Reduced Application. These applications help us to receive funding and programming that helps all students district-wide. In addition, if you qualify, you can get Spectrum internet for only $14.95/month! Applications are available at the front office and on our website at: http://rsu23.schoollunchapp.com. School breakfast and lunch menus are also posted on the RSU 23 Website on theFood & Nutrition Page. Please feel free to contact Caroline Trinder, Food & Nutrition Services Director, with any questions at ctrinder@rsu23.org or 934-4461 ext. 1239. We are looking forward to serving healthy and tasty meals all year!
Free Breakfasts and Lunches are also provided every Wednesday behind Loranger Memorial School between 10:15-10:45am, no need to RSVP, just show up!
During the school year some families take vacations and ask that we excuse their children from school days. This is not a problem, however, we do have forms for the student, parents, teachers and administration to sign off on in order to help students understand the expectations of making up missed work. The forms can be found in the main office. Thanks for your help!
Students who would like to drive their car to school must register their car in the main office and acquire a parking permit. Cars without a parking permit or cars parked in the improper lot may be removed at the owner’s expense. There is no student parking in the front lot.
Wednesday, March 31 – 8th Grade Family Night-OOBHS Showcase
Wednesday, April 7 – Scholarship Information Night for Seniors
Tuesday, April 13 – FAME Financial Aid Information Night
I hope you all had a great week. Here’s to hoping spring will come sooner rather than later! These are this week’s communications:
SHANI PLANTE! Congratulations to senior Shani Plante who scored the 1,000th point in her OOBHS basketball career last night at Waynflete!
PROGRESS REPORTS The grading period for third-quarter progress reports ends today. Progress reports will be available on PowerSchool Wednesday March 10th.
BIDDEFORD REGIONAL CENTER OF TECHNOLOGY BRCOT is currently accepting applications for all of their programs for the 2021-2022 school year. Please visit their website https://sites.google.com/biddefordschools.me/cot/cot-home for more information and to apply. Mrs. Hayes and Ms. Nason are available for support around accessing these programs.
Celebrating Maine’s Community of Young Artists Portland, Maine, March 2021 – Creative works from Maine art students will be on virtual display during the month of March on the Portland Museum of Art (PMA) website. This multi-media exhibition, sponsored by Maine Art Education Association (MAEA), highlights Youth Art Month, a national celebration sponsored by the Council for Art Education. The annual celebration, which typically takes place in March, emphasizes the value of art education for all children and encourages support for quality art programs in Maine schools and celebrates student creativity from pre-kindergarten-12th grade.
This year, Leah Green, a senior at Old Orchard Beach High School, was chosen to display her artwork entitled “The Peacefulness of Nature” an acrylic painting. Congratulations, Leah! Please visit https://www.portlandmuseum.org/yam-2021 to view the Youth Art Month exhibition.
Special thanks to our two runners up for submitting their creative and thoughtful pieces in the selection process!
“Arches” By Katie Holt
“Attachment” By Kaite O’Neill
INFORMATION NIGHT FOR SENIORS There will be a virtual scholarship information session for all seniors and their families on the different local scholarships that are available through OOBHS and how to apply for them on Wednesday April 7th at 5:30 pm. Look for an invitation in your emails in the upcoming weeks.
FAME FINANCIAL AID NIGHT On Tuesday April 13th at 5:30 pm Jessica Wittier from the Financial Authority of Maine will be offering a virtual informational session about everything financial aid. Your school counselors will share more information in the upcoming weeks including a link to participate in this event.
In an effort to do our best planning for the upcoming school year, we are asking that you complete this brief Transportation Questionnaire, regarding transportation for next year. The pandemic has changed our transportation routine significantly, and we would like to be prepared for next year by gathering this information from you. If you could please find time to complete the questionnaire, that would be much appreciated. Please DO NOT submit a second response if you have already completed it once.
Congratulations to those students who achieved honor roll quarter 2. OOBHS Quarter 2 Honor Roll
ALLIED ARTS WINTER SHOWCASE (The Virtual Edition!) A lot has changed in the way we interact this year, including our annual winter open house and concert. But that has not stopped the students in our Allied Arts programs from creating, playing, cooking, and collaborating! We are pleased to present the “2021 Allied Arts Winter Showcase” highlighting the wonderful work of our OOBHS students during the first semester. Enjoy!
COMMUNITY SERVICE Students must complete 20 hours of community service as a graduation requirement. Parents of seniors please check with your child to find out if they still have hours to complete. Please contact the guidance office for community service opportunities. We have plenty for the kids to do!
ON TRACK FOR COLLEGE! Starting this past Wednesday, students and their families have an amazing opportunity to think about what comes after high school and to make sure they have applied for the grants and scholarships that will make it easier to afford school.
On Track for College, is a free, first-of-its-kind opportunity in Maine for our graduating seniors and juniors and their families to learn about college from current college students. It also provides an unprecedented opportunity to interact live with admissions and financial aid experts from seven different Maine universities as well as FAME.
It will be way more than just another zoom meeting.
Live, Interactive Events: Over the course of twelve weeks, On Track for College will deliver a weekly series of interactive information sessions with college students and experts. Never more than 15-minutes, each of the many live event sessions will cover a range of topics and provide a quick look at many of Maine’s exciting and affordable higher education options. Experts from the Finance Authority of Maine will also be participating to provide help with the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).
Your Answers Now: Dozens of admissions and financial aid counselors will be standing by at each of the twelve events. These experts will be ready to participate in live 1-on-1 discussions in breakout rooms providing students and their families with the individual insights they need to make decisions.
COVID has upended the college search process this year but it will not put college out of reach for students and families ready to focus on what comes next. Please encourage your students to register now at visit.maine.edu.
Students just starting out can kick start their college exploration and get help navigating the financial aid application process. We will also be ready to assist students who are ready to apply or have been admitted, making sure they get the help they need to finalize decisions and make plans for a successful transition to college.
SCHOOL NUTRITION PROGRAM! As a reminder, breakfast and lunch are available daily at school and free to all students throughout the entire school year.We ask that you still complete a Free and Reduced Application. These applications help us to receive funding and programming that helps all students district-wide. In addition, if you qualify, you can get Spectrum internet for only $14.95/month! Applications are available at the front office and on our website at: http://rsu23.schoollunchapp.com. School breakfast and lunch menus are also posted on the RSU 23 Website on theFood & Nutrition Page. Please feel free to contact Caroline Trinder, Food & Nutrition Services Director, with any questions at ctrinder@rsu23.org or 934-4461 ext. 1239. We are looking forward to serving healthy and tasty meals all year!
Free Breakfasts and Lunches are also provided every Wednesday behind Loranger Memorial School between 10:15-10:45am, no need to RSVP, just show up!
During the school year some families take vacations and ask that we excuse their children from school days. This is not a problem, however, we do have forms for the student, parents, teachers and administration to sign off on in order to help students understand the expectations of making up missed work. The forms can be found in the main office. Thanks for your help!
Students who would like to drive their car to school must register their car in the main office and acquire a parking permit. Cars without a parking permit or cars parked in the improper lot may be removed at the owner’s expense. There is no student parking in the front lot.
Friday, March 19 – No School for Students, Professional Development Day
Wednesday, March 31 – 8th Grade Family Night-OOBHS Showcase
Wednesday, April 7 – Scholarship Information Night for Seniors
Tuesday, April 13 – FAME Financial Aid Information Night
I hope you all had a great week. Many things are happening at the high school so please don’t hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions. Please pay close attention to important upcoming dates. Here are this week’s communications:
PROGRESS REPORTS The grading period for third-quarter progress reports ends today. Progress reports will be available on PowerSchool Wednesday March 10th.
BIDDEFORD REGIONAL CENTER OF TECHNOLOGY BRCOT is currently accepting applications for all of their programs for the 2021-2022 school year. Please visit their website https://sites.google.com/biddefordschools.me/cot/cot-home for more information and to apply. Mrs. Hayes and Ms. Nason are available for support around accessing these programs.
Celebrating Maine’s Community of Young Artists Portland, Maine, March 2021 – Creative works from Maine art students will be on virtual display during the month of March on the Portland Museum of Art (PMA) website. This multi-media exhibition, sponsored by Maine Art Education Association (MAEA), highlights Youth Art Month, a national celebration sponsored by the Council for Art Education. The annual celebration, which typically takes place in March, emphasizes the value of art education for all children and encourages support for quality art programs in Maine schools and celebrates student creativity from pre-kindergarten-12th grade.
This year, Leah Green, a senior at Old Orchard Beach High School, was chosen to display her artwork entitled “The Peacefulness of Nature” an acrylic painting. Congratulations, Leah! Please visit https://www.portlandmuseum.org/yam-2021 to view the Youth Art Month exhibition.
Special thanks to our two runners up for submitting their creative and thoughtful pieces in the selection process!
“Arches” By Katie Holt
“Attachment” By Kaite O’Neill
SCHOLARSHIP INFORMATION NIGHT FOR SENIORS There will be a virtual scholarship information session for all seniors and their families on the different local scholarships that are available through OOBHS and how to apply for them on Wednesday April 7th at 5:30 pm. Look for an invitation in your emails in the upcoming weeks.
FAME FINANCIAL AID NIGHT On Tuesday April 13th at 5:30 pm Jessica Wittier from the Financial Authority of Maine will be offering a virtual informational session about everything financial aid. Your school counselors will share more information in the upcoming weeks including a link to participate in this event.
In an effort to do our best planning for the upcoming school year, we are asking that you complete this brief Transportation Questionnaire, regarding transportation for next year. The pandemic has changed our transportation routine significantly, and we would like to be prepared for next year by gathering this information from you. If you could please find time to complete the questionnaire, that would be much appreciated. Please DO NOT submit a second response if you have already completed it once.
Congratulations to those students who achieved honor roll quarter 2. OOBHS Quarter 2 Honor Roll
ALLIED ARTS WINTER SHOWCASE (The Virtual Edition!) A lot has changed in the way we interact this year, including our annual winter open house and concert. But that has not stopped the students in our Allied Arts programs from creating, playing, cooking, and collaborating! We are pleased to present the “2021 Allied Arts Winter Showcase” highlighting the wonderful work of our OOBHS students during the first semester. Enjoy!
COMMUNITY SERVICE Students must complete 20 hours of community service as a graduation requirement. Parents of seniors please check with your child to find out if they still have hours to complete. Please contact the guidance office for community service opportunities. We have plenty for the kids to do!
ON TRACK FOR COLLEGE! Starting this past Wednesday, students and their families have an amazing opportunity to think about what comes after high school and to make sure they have applied for the grants and scholarships that will make it easier to afford school.
On Track for College, is a free, first-of-its-kind opportunity in Maine for our graduating seniors and juniors and their families to learn about college from current college students. It also provides an unprecedented opportunity to interact live with admissions and financial aid experts from seven different Maine universities as well as FAME.
It will be way more than just another zoom meeting.
Live, Interactive Events: Over the course of twelve weeks, On Track for College will deliver a weekly series of interactive information sessions with college students and experts. Never more than 15-minutes, each of the many live event sessions will cover a range of topics and provide a quick look at many of Maine’s exciting and affordable higher education options. Experts from the Finance Authority of Maine will also be participating to provide help with the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).
Your Answers Now: Dozens of admissions and financial aid counselors will be standing by at each of the twelve events. These experts will be ready to participate in live 1-on-1 discussions in breakout rooms providing students and their families with the individual insights they need to make decisions.
COVID has upended the college search process this year but it will not put college out of reach for students and families ready to focus on what comes next. Please encourage your students to register now at visit.maine.edu.
Students just starting out can kick start their college exploration and get help navigating the financial aid application process. We will also be ready to assist students who are ready to apply or have been admitted, making sure they get the help they need to finalize decisions and make plans for a successful transition to college.
WONDERING IF THE YEARBOOK IS HAPPENING THIS YEAR? THE ANSWER IS YES! Masks. Elections. Virtual classes. This school year will be talked about forever. The yearbook is an important keepsake from this remarkable time. Our Yearbook Program is working hard to put together a historic book that will be looked back upon to remember one of the most unpredictable school years of all time. Order today (and until February 26th) so that we can make sure there are enough copies for everyone. There are online purchase options to spread the cost over 3 payments! Parents of Seniors…fully customizable Special Dedication pages are now available for purchase.
SCHOOL NUTRITION PROGRAM! As a reminder, breakfast and lunch are available daily at school and free to all students throughout the entire school year.We ask that you still complete a Free and Reduced Application. These applications help us to receive funding and programming that helps all students district-wide. In addition, if you qualify, you can get Spectrum internet for only $14.95/month! Applications are available at the front office and on our website at: http://rsu23.schoollunchapp.com. School breakfast and lunch menus are also posted on the RSU 23 Website on theFood & Nutrition Page. Please feel free to contact Caroline Trinder, Food & Nutrition Services Director, with any questions at ctrinder@rsu23.org or 934-4461 ext. 1239. We are looking forward to serving healthy and tasty meals all year!
Free Breakfasts and Lunches are also provided every Wednesday behind Loranger Memorial School between 10:15-10:45am, no need to RSVP, just show up!
During the school year some families take vacations and ask that we excuse their children from school days. This is not a problem, however, we do have forms for the student, parents, teachers and administration to sign off on in order to help students understand the expectations of making up missed work. The forms can be found in the main office. Thanks for your help!
Students who would like to drive their car to school must register their car in the main office and acquire a parking permit. Cars without a parking permit or cars parked in the improper lot may be removed at the owner’s expense. There is no student parking in the front lot.
Friday, March 19 – No School for Students, Professional Development Day
Wednesday, March 31 – 8th Grade Family Night-OOBHS Showcase
Wednesday, April 7 – Scholarship Information Night for Seniors
Tuesday, April 13 – FAME Financial Aid Information Night
Well, March is finally almost here. Incredibly, the end of the year and graduation are at the forefront of my mind. I know it’s hard to believe, but commencement exercises for our beloved OOBHS Class of 2021 are 100 days away! In the main office, we have started to plan for next year. We are now starting the process of building next year’s program of studies, master schedule, planning an 8th grade transition night, and putting together a staff professional development plan for the remainder of the year. Business is really starting to pick up! Here are this week’s communications:
SHANI AND RYAN! Congratulations to Shani Plante and Ryan Crockett for being named to the 2021 Maine McDonald’s All-Star Basketball teams!
PROGRESS REPORTS The grading period for third-quarter progress reports ends March 5th. Progress reports will be available on PowerSchool Wednesday March 10th.
BIDDEFORD REGIONAL CENTER OF TECHNOLOGY BRCOT is currently accepting applications for all of their programs for the 2021-2022 school year. Please visit their website https://sites.google.com/biddefordschools.me/cot/cot-home for more information and to apply. Mrs. Hayes and Ms. Nason are available for support around accessing these programs.
SCHOLARSHIP INFORMATION NIGHT FOR SENIORS There will be a virtual scholarship information session for all seniors and their families on the different local scholarships that are available through OOBHS and how to apply for them on Wednesday April 7th at 5:30 pm. Look for an invitation in your emails in the upcoming weeks.
FAME FINANCIAL AID NIGHT On Tuesday April 13th at 5:30 pm Jessica Wittier from the Financial Authority of Maine will be offering a virtual informational session about everything financial aid. Your school counselors will share more information in the upcoming weeks including a link to participate in this event.
In an effort to do our best planning for the upcoming school year, we are asking that you complete this brief Transportation Questionnaire, regarding transportation for next year. The pandemic has changed our transportation routine significantly, and we would like to be prepared for next year by gathering this information from you. If you could please find time to complete the questionnaire, that would be much appreciated. Please DO NOT submit a second response if you have already completed it once.
Congratulations to those students who achieved honor roll quarter 2. OOBHS Quarter 2 Honor Roll
ALLIED ARTS WINTER SHOWCASE (The Virtual Edition!) A lot has changed in the way we interact this year, including our annual winter open house and concert. But that has not stopped the students in our Allied Arts programs from creating, playing, cooking, and collaborating! We are pleased to present the “2021 Allied Arts Winter Showcase” highlighting the wonderful work of our OOBHS students during the first semester. Enjoy!
In celebration of Black History Month, Please join the Civil Rights Team on Zoom, February 26th at 4 pm for a screening of the movie “Harriet,” which tells the story of Harriet Tubman’s escape from slavery and the dangerous missions she led to liberate hundreds of slaves through the Underground Railroad. The Zoom Link will be sent to all high school student and staff emails the day of the screening.
COMMUNITY SERVICE Students must complete 20 hours of community service as a graduation requirement. Parents of seniors please check with your child to find out if they still have hours to complete. Please contact the guidance office for community service opportunities. We have plenty for the kids to do!
ON TRACK FOR COLLEGE! Starting this past Wednesday, students and their families have an amazing opportunity to think about what comes after high school and to make sure they have applied for the grants and scholarships that will make it easier to afford school.
On Track for College, is a free, first-of-its-kind opportunity in Maine for our graduating seniors and juniors and their families to learn about college from current college students. It also provides an unprecedented opportunity to interact live with admissions and financial aid experts from seven different Maine universities as well as FAME.
It will be way more than just another zoom meeting.
Live, Interactive Events: Over the course of twelve weeks, On Track for College will deliver a weekly series of interactive information sessions with college students and experts. Never more than 15-minutes, each of the many live event sessions will cover a range of topics and provide a quick look at many of Maine’s exciting and affordable higher education options. Experts from the Finance Authority of Maine will also be participating to provide help with the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).
Your Answers Now: Dozens of admissions and financial aid counselors will be standing by at each of the twelve events. These experts will be ready to participate in live 1-on-1 discussions in breakout rooms providing students and their families with the individual insights they need to make decisions.
COVID has upended the college search process this year but it will not put college out of reach for students and families ready to focus on what comes next. Please encourage your students to register now at visit.maine.edu.
Students just starting out can kick start their college exploration and get help navigating the financial aid application process. We will also be ready to assist students who are ready to apply or have been admitted, making sure they get the help they need to finalize decisions and make plans for a successful transition to college.
WONDERING IF THE YEARBOOK IS HAPPENING THIS YEAR? THE ANSWER IS YES! Masks. Elections. Virtual classes. This school year will be talked about forever. The yearbook is an important keepsake from this remarkable time. Our Yearbook Program is working hard to put together a historic book that will be looked back upon to remember one of the most unpredictable school years of all time. Order today (and until February 26th) so that we can make sure there are enough copies for everyone. There are online purchase options to spread the cost over 3 payments! Parents of Seniors…fully customizable Special Dedication pages are now available for purchase.
SCHOOL NUTRITION PROGRAM! As a reminder, breakfast and lunch are available daily at school and free to all students throughout the entire school year.We ask that you still complete a Free and Reduced Application. These applications help us to receive funding and programming that helps all students district-wide. In addition, if you qualify, you can get Spectrum internet for only $14.95/month! Applications are available at the front office and on our website at: http://rsu23.schoollunchapp.com. School breakfast and lunch menus are also posted on the RSU 23 Website on theFood & Nutrition Page. Please feel free to contact Caroline Trinder, Food & Nutrition Services Director, with any questions at ctrinder@rsu23.org or 934-4461 ext. 1239. We are looking forward to serving healthy and tasty meals all year!
Free Breakfasts and Lunches are also provided every Wednesday behind Loranger Memorial School between 10:15-10:45am, no need to RSVP, just show up!
During the school year some families take vacations and ask that we excuse their children from school days. This is not a problem, however, we do have forms for the student, parents, teachers and administration to sign off on in order to help students understand the expectations of making up missed work. The forms can be found in the main office. Thanks for your help!
Students who would like to drive their car to school must register their car in the main office and acquire a parking permit. Cars without a parking permit or cars parked in the improper lot may be removed at the owner’s expense. There is no student parking in the front lot.
Friday, March 19 – No School for Students, Professional Development Day
Wednesday, March 31 – 8th Grade Family Night-OOBHS Showcase
Wednesday, April 7 – Scholarship Information Night for Seniors
Tuesday, April 13 – FAME Financial Aid Information Night
We are wrapping things up today as the school gets ready to close for February vacation. Please check with your child to make sure they have everything they need in order to catch up on any missing work. If you need anything over break don’t hesitate to call my cell phone anytime at (207) 351-0099. The next Principal’s Memo will be Friday, February 26th. Here are this week’s announcements:
RSU 23 2021-2022 TRANSPORTATION QUESTIONNAIRE In an effort to do our best planning for the upcoming school year, we are asking that you complete this brief Transportation Questionnaire, regarding transportation for next year. The pandemic has changed our transportation routine significantly, and we would like to be prepared for next year by gathering this information from you. If you could please find time to complete the questionnaire, that would be much appreciated. Please DO NOT submit a second response if you have already completed it once.
QUARTER 2 HONOR ROLL Congratulations to those students who achieved honor roll quarter 2. OOBHS Quarter 2 Honor Roll
ALLIED ARTS WINTER SHOWCASE (The Virtual Edition!) A lot has changed in the way we interact this year, including our annual winter open house and concert. But that has not stopped the students in our Allied Arts programs from creating, playing, cooking, and collaborating! We are pleased to present the “2021 Allied Arts Winter Showcase” highlighting the wonderful work of our OOBHS students during the first semester. Enjoy!
ZOOM MOVIE NIGHT – 4PM FEBRUARY 26TH In celebration of Black History Month, Please join the Civil Rights Team on Zoom, February 26th at 4 pm for a screening of the movie “Harriet,” which tells the story of Harriet Tubman’s escape from slavery and the dangerous missions she led to liberate hundreds of slaves through the Underground Railroad. The Zoom Link will be sent to all high school student and staff emails the day of the screening.
ON TRACK FOR COLLEGE! Starting this past Wednesday, students and their families have an amazing opportunity to think about what comes after high school and to make sure they have applied for the grants and scholarships that will make it easier to afford school.
On Track for College, is a free, first-of-its-kind opportunity in Maine for our graduating seniors and juniors and their families to learn about college from current college students. It also provides an unprecedented opportunity to interact live with admissions and financial aid experts from seven different Maine universities as well as FAME.
It will be way more than just another zoom meeting.
Live, Interactive Events: Over the course of twelve weeks, On Track for College will deliver a weekly series of interactive information sessions with college students and experts. Never more than 15-minutes, each of the many live event sessions will cover a range of topics and provide a quick look at many of Maine’s exciting and affordable higher education options. Experts from the Finance Authority of Maine will also be participating to provide help with the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).
Your Answers Now: Dozens of admissions and financial aid counselors will be standing by at each of the twelve events. These experts will be ready to participate in live 1-on-1 discussions in breakout rooms providing students and their families with the individual insights they need to make decisions.
COVID has upended the college search process this year but it will not put college out of reach for students and families ready to focus on what comes next. Please encourage your students to register now at visit.maine.edu.
Students just starting out can kick start their college exploration and get help navigating the financial aid application process. We will also be ready to assist students who are ready to apply or have been admitted, making sure they get the help they need to finalize decisions and make plans for a successful transition to college.
WONDERING IF THE YEARBOOK IS HAPPENING THIS YEAR? THE ANSWER IS YES! Masks. Elections. Virtual classes. This school year will be talked about forever. The yearbook is an important keepsake from this remarkable time. Our Yearbook Program is working hard to put together a historic book that will be looked back upon to remember one of the most unpredictable school years of all time. Order today (and until February 26th) so that we can make sure there are enough copies for everyone. There are online purchase options to spread the cost over 3 payments! Parents of Seniors…fully customizable Special Dedication pages are now available for purchase.
SCHOOL NUTRITION PROGRAM! As a reminder, breakfast and lunch are available daily at school and free to all students throughout the entire school year.We ask that you still complete a Free and Reduced Application. These applications help us to receive funding and programming that helps all students district-wide. In addition, if you qualify, you can get Spectrum internet for only $14.95/month! Applications are available at the front office and on our website at: http://rsu23.schoollunchapp.com. School breakfast and lunch menus are also posted on the RSU 23 Website on theFood & Nutrition Page. Please feel free to contact Caroline Trinder, Food & Nutrition Services Director, with any questions at ctrinder@rsu23.org or 934-4461 ext. 1239. We are looking forward to serving healthy and tasty meals all year!
Free Breakfasts and Lunches are also provided every Wednesday behind Loranger Memorial School between 10:15-10:45am, no need to RSVP, just show up!
During the school year some families take vacations and ask that we excuse their children from school days. This is not a problem, however, we do have forms for the student, parents, teachers and administration to sign off on in order to help students understand the expectations of making up missed work. The forms can be found in the main office. Thanks for your help!
Students who would like to drive their car to school must register their car in the main office and acquire a parking permit. Cars without a parking permit or cars parked in the improper lot may be removed at the owner’s expense. There is no student parking in the front lot.
Monday, February 15 – Friday, February 19 – February Break
Friday, March 19 – No School for Students, Professional Development Day
We are entering the last week of school before February break with many things happening for our students. Please contact us if you have any questions! Here are this week’s communications:
FREE “TAKE-AND-BAKE” MEAL OFFER! Recently, The Red Door Market & Deli received generous community donations. With these funds, The Red Door Market & Deli is donating a free meal to OOB families through the schools.
Each family in our school community will be able to pick up a free, pre-cooked “take-and-bake” meal. This free family meal will be ready to eat after heating it up. This free meal is available for families at one of the OOB schools for the next 3 weeks. You can pick up your free “take and bake” meal at the times below. You may also pick up your child’s regular school lunch at this time. In order to receive your free “take and bake” meal, please sign up by contacting one of the following staff members from your child’s school.
OOB High School
Sign up:TODAY Pick up: Wed., February 10th Pick up location and time: behind LMS 10:00-10:15AM
Cathy Reed (OOBHS) creed@rsu23.org Elizabeth Nason (OOBHS) enason@rsu23.org Jacqueline Hayes (OOBHS) jhayes@rsu23.org Erin Dupee (OOBHS) edupee@rsu23.org
Sign up and pick up
has already occurred
Contact Judy Milligan jmilligan@rsu23.org
Sign up and pick up
has already occurred
Contact Tracy Mclaughlin tmclaughlin@rsu23.org
The Red Door will not know the names of families receiving the meal, but will be used for our lunch team for distribution only. We send our thanks to the Red Door Market & Deli for this generous donation!!!
QUARTER 2 REPORT CARDS! Quarter 2 report cards were emailed to your email address we have on file on Friday, January 29th. They will also be available on your parent portal. If you have any questions regarding your child’s grades please contact the teacher. Teacher emails can be found on our website at rsu23.org or on your parent portal.
BAND STUDENTS AND PARENTS! After a long wait, we will shortly be able to start playing some instrumental music indoors! The CDC guidelines have been modified recently for band but sadly not for chorus. All wind instrument players will wear masks with a slot for their mouthpiece, and the bells of the instruments will have cloth covers. Students will be placed 10 feet apart facing the same direction. This may limit the size of the group – larger ensembles may have to practice in smaller units for the time being. Careful attention to safety protocols will be observed. Please contact us if you have any questions; we are excited to get our groups back in action!
ON TRACK FOR COLLEGE! Starting this past Wednesday, students and their families have an amazing opportunity to think about what comes after high school and to make sure they have applied for the grants and scholarships that will make it easier to afford school.
On Track for College, is a free, first-of-its-kind opportunity in Maine for our graduating seniors and juniors and their families to learn about college from current college students. It also provides an unprecedented opportunity to interact live with admissions and financial aid experts from seven different Maine universities as well as FAME.
It will be way more than just another zoom meeting.
Live, Interactive Events: Over the course of twelve weeks, On Track for College will deliver a weekly series of interactive information sessions with college students and experts. Never more than 15-minutes, each of the many live event sessions will cover a range of topics and provide a quick look at many of Maine’s exciting and affordable higher education options. Experts from the Finance Authority of Maine will also be participating to provide help with the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).
Your Answers Now: Dozens of admissions and financial aid counselors will be standing by at each of the twelve events. These experts will be ready to participate in live 1-on-1 discussions in breakout rooms providing students and their families with the individual insights they need to make decisions.
COVID has upended the college search process this year but it will not put college out of reach for students and families ready to focus on what comes next. Please encourage your students to register now at visit.maine.edu.
Students just starting out can kick start their college exploration and get help navigating the financial aid application process. We will also be ready to assist students who are ready to apply or have been admitted, making sure they get the help they need to finalize decisions and make plans for a successful transition to college.
WONDERING IF THE YEARBOOK IS HAPPENING THIS YEAR? THE ANSWER IS YES! Masks. Elections. Virtual classes. This school year will be talked about forever. The yearbook is an important keepsake from this remarkable time. Our Yearbook Program is working hard to put together a historic book that will be looked back upon to remember one of the most unpredictable school years of all time. Order today (and until February 26th) so that we can make sure there are enough copies for everyone. There are online purchase options to spread the cost over 3 payments! Parents of Seniors…fully customizable Special Dedication pages are now available for purchase.
SCHOOL NUTRITION PROGRAM! As a reminder, breakfast and lunch are available daily at school and free to all students throughout the entire school year.We ask that you still complete a Free and Reduced Application. These applications help us to receive funding and programming that helps all students district-wide. In addition, if you qualify, you can get Spectrum internet for only $14.95/month! Applications are available at the front office and on our website at: http://rsu23.schoollunchapp.com. School breakfast and lunch menus are also posted on the RSU 23 Website on theFood & Nutrition Page. Please feel free to contact Caroline Trinder, Food & Nutrition Services Director, with any questions at ctrinder@rsu23.org or 934-4461 ext. 1239. We are looking forward to serving healthy and tasty meals all year!
Free Breakfasts and Lunches are also provided every Wednesday behind Loranger Memorial School between 10:15-10:45am, no need to RSVP, just show up!
RSU 23 2021-2022 TRANSPORTATION QUESTIONNAIRE In an effort to do our best planning for the upcoming school year, we are asking that you complete this brief Transportation Questionnaire, regarding transportation for next year. The pandemic has changed our transportation routine significantly, and we would like to be prepared for next year by gathering this information from you. If you could please find time to complete the questionnaire, that would be much appreciated. Please DO NOT submit a second response if you have already completed it once.
During the school year some families take vacations and ask that we excuse their children from school days. This is not a problem, however, we do have forms for the student, parents, teachers and administration to sign off on in order to help students understand the expectations of making up missed work. The forms can be found in the main office. Thanks for your help!
Students who would like to drive their car to school must register their car in the main office and acquire a parking permit. Cars without a parking permit or cars parked in the improper lot may be removed at the owner’s expense. There is no student parking in the front lot.
Monday, February 15 – Friday, February 19 – February Break
Friday, March 19 – No School for Students, Professional Development Day