RSU23 Content

A Statement From Old Orchard Beach Schools on the Passing of Sandra Lord

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The world became a better place to live on November 21, 1940 when Sandra Lord was born. Education was always important to Sandy as she proved throughout her lifetime beginning with graduating from Farmington State Teachers College and starting her teaching career in February 1965 teaching Home Economics classes to high school students at the Old Orchard Beach High School.  Sandra retired at the end of the school year of 1999 after teaching for 34 years in the Old Orchard Beach School Department.  However, once Sandy retired, she kept her love for the students, staff, families, and community of Old Orchard Beach alive by the continuance of her Sandy Seagull spirit for the school by starting the Old Orchard Beach Alumni Association so former classmates could keep in touch as well as work towards building funds for scholarships to help students in their college endeavors from 2000 to present.  Sandy also became the Scholarship Chairperson for the Town of Old Orchard Beach Schools Scholarship Trust which also helped numerous students continue their education.  No matter how many awards Sandy received for her multitude of hours that she put into educating students and helping to develop scholarships for future college students, there could never be enough gratitude and appreciation for all of her hard work, time, effort, and expertise that she gave to students, staff, families, and community members to help make their educational journeys successful.  Sandra Lord touched immeasurable lives in the community of Old Orchard Beach and, for that, her caring personality and dedication to the Old Orchard Beach School System and townspeople can never be replaced.

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